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Drawbacks of using GIT-SVN over other SVN clients?





I would like to start using GIT-SVN to work with an SVN repository. I know that a lot of the benefits of using GIT are still present with GIT-SVN like lightweight branching, and improved file rename/move detection.

But I was wondering if there are any drawbacks that I should be aware of?

like image 585
Nippysaurus Avatar asked Dec 27 '22 16:12


1 Answers


Here's why I found it valuable, although there may be other reasons for it.

  • No need for commit access on a project in order to get started coding.
  • Can do revision control on local machines without commit access or even an Internet connection.
  • Easier to browse entire revision history (including the SVN history.)
  • git-svn rebase is a thousand times better than SVN's built-in conflict-resolution tools.
  • You still get some limited benefit from Git's improved branching mechanics.


The major crippling drawback: be sure not to do any merge operations or else SVN will freak out when you try to commit. Also, because you're using rebase to sync with the SVN repository, and since pulling from a repository that's been rebased will cause Git to freak out, it's much more difficult to maintain clones of the main Git repository (you may end up needing to delete them and re-clone after each rebase.)

like image 191
Max E. Avatar answered Jan 05 '23 16:01

Max E.