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fatal: failed to read object X Input/output error fatal: index-pack failed - Git pull with Dropbox




I moved my git repo into a Dropbox shared account. And since then, each time I do a git pull I get the following error:

fatal: failed to read object e1ad9cbb1cb523a82191acd817fdc68d0388a45e: Input/output error
fatal: index-pack failed

Do you guys know what could be the problem?

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Antoine Krajnc Avatar asked Jan 01 '23 00:01

Antoine Krajnc

1 Answers

Okay, I actually found the issue.

Since Dropbox added its new feature Smart Sync You need to make sure all your files in your .git are synced locally.

like image 75
Antoine Krajnc Avatar answered Jan 05 '23 05:01

Antoine Krajnc