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Can't Get PHPMyAdmin to recognize configuration file after update(Keep getting blowfish_secret too short error)



I just updated PhpMyAdmin via the command line (i added the PPA manually). I keep getting an error that says "The secret passphrase in configuration (blowfish_secret) is too short. I have created my own config.inc.php file in /etc/phpmyadmin using the command

sudo cp config.sample.inc.php config.inc.php

In this file (my config.inc.php) I have set

$cfg['blowfish_secret'] = 'wE(G|]=VPxy}UddLC8[sC1J8y$yElEU]7#_#*1fDas;doifje'; 

And restarted the server with

sudo service apache2 restart

I also restarted the mysql server with

sudo service mysql restart

I am still getting the error telling me that the blowfish_secret key is too short. (Yes, I have tried setting the key to EXACTLY 32 characters as well. This did not work either) I have refreshed the page, cleared the cache. I even tried setting all permissions to 7

sudo chmod -R 777 phpmyadmin

(JUST TO SEE if it would work. Don't kill me for being desperate XD) Still, no avail. Any ideas?

like image 799
Native Coder Avatar asked Sep 12 '16 22:09

Native Coder

People also ask

What is phpMyAdmin Blowfish_secret?

The Blowfish is a phpMyAdmin algorithm for a secure connection. The Blowfish algorithm requires a unique 32 character long string. The unique character can be a maximum of 46 characters. The characters can contain a lowercase, uppercase letters, numbers, and symbols.

Where can I find phpMyAdmin config file?

The configuration files are located in the /etc/phpmyadmin directory. The main configuration file is /etc/phpmyadmin/config. inc. php, which contains the configuration options that apply globally to phpMyAdmin.

What is secret passphrase?

A passphrase is similar to a password. However, a password generally refers to something used to authenticate or log into a system. A passphrase generally refers to a secret used to protect an encryption key. Commonly, an actual encryption key is derived from the passphrase and used to encrypt the protected resource.

2 Answers

As it turns out, I had to edit


Just put 32 (or more) random characters between the single quotes, like so

$cfg['blowfish_secret'] = 'GGlkGmgpsp]9_[b2lXr5*a$BV4XO1lm+guJU3k(p$9z^9';

NOTE: I didn't think I would need to spell this one out, but your random string CAN NOT contain a single quote....

like image 158
Native Coder Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 10:10

Native Coder

Please do check /etc/phpMyAdmin/config.inc.php

like image 34
Vlad Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 09:10
