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Is there a shortcut in phpMyAdmin to SHOW CREATE TABLE for a table (i.e. a button I can click to get the full query, not the truncated one)?

Also, can I query multiple SHOW CREATE TABLEs simultaneously in phpMyAdmin? If I separate them, only the last one appears.

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waiwai933 Avatar asked Jun 22 '10 04:06


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3 Answers

If you are trying to export the Table Schema Using the SHOW CREATE TABLE Query Inside phpmyadmin, and are getting some truncated SQL then please follow the following steps to output the complete SQL Query to replicate the table structure.

  • There is this Hyperlink named +Options right above the truncated SQL that you are getting, Clicking on which shall make make a few toggles/options appear.
  • There select Full Texts, And right below this toggle there is this Go button, maybe on the extreme right.
  • And You should get the Full Text of the SQL.
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Mohd Abdul Mujib Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 01:10

Mohd Abdul Mujib

It sounds like what you want is all/part of the result of the 'export' tab.

If you tell it to export in sql, it gives you the table creation and popluation code (for all tables in the database)

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zebediah49 Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 23:10


Click the database > Select the tables you want > Choose With selected: Show create > done


Click the database

Select the tables you want > Choose With selected: Show create


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MuhsinFatih Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 01:10
