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Magento Installation stuck at configuration

I am not sure what is going wrong when I am trying to install magento to my local ubuntu machine. I did all the steps mentionsed in the magento wiki. Everything goes well until I reach the point where I am here which is the magento config page. When I try and continue after entering the necessary details like host, database name and user name and submit it comes back to the same page. I checked for everything like db in my phomyadmin panel and it still gets stuck there. What is the possible reason for that.


like image 925
itsandy Avatar asked May 28 '10 07:05


People also ask

How long does it take to install Magento?

Magento 2.4. x installation and setup takes approximately 5 to 10 minutes to complete. However, this does not include the time required to configure your web server and install supporting extensions that Magento requires. Overall, the time required to install Magento from scratch is approximately 90 to 120 minutes.

How do I install and configure Magento?

Download Magento – Download the Magento software onto your computer. Create a Database on Your Host – Set up the database where the Magento files will be stored. Upload and Unpack Magento – Upload the Magento files to your new database. Set Up Magento – Configure your settings and prepare your Magento site.

How do I install Magento on Windows 10?

Step 1: Download the Magento from the following site https://magento.com/tech-resources/download. Here, we are installing Magento version 2.3. 2 latest version of Magento. Step 2: Select the zip format of Magento for windows, and click on Download button.

2 Answers

Have you try with instead of localhost ? They have some trouble on login in the admin section.

And check the user/password in the config too !

like image 139
Syprien Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 10:10


You have to create a database first and then proceed further.

Step 1 - First create a database with name of your choice like magento

Step 2 - Use that database name in the installation form now

Step 3 - Continue

Hope this solves your problem.

like image 39
Javed Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 10:10
