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Can't get Artifacts using Build runner type Visual Studio Solution File

I am new to TeamCity. I am using Build step using Visual Studio solution file. I want to configure Artifact path so that I can get the output of my compilation somewhere in Artifact folder. I could't understand from the TeamCity documentation :)

I have following configuration. But not getting any artifact.

Artifact paths:- /MyProject/bin/Release/*.* => PublishDir
Build Runner : Visual Studio(sln)
Build file path: \Successor\Successor.sln
Targets: Rebuild
Configuration: Release
Platform: x86

Whats wrong here?


like image 821
Saghar Avatar asked Jan 20 '11 14:01


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1 Answers

Check the TeamCity Build Log. It will tell you, why no artifact could be created. For example:

[Publishing artifacts] Artifacts path /MyProject/bin/Release/*.* not found

Make sure your files are really compiled ro bin\release.

like image 191
Martin Buberl Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 18:09

Martin Buberl