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Visual Studio required to run MSTest test on Team City Build Server?

We are setting up a Team City build server. On previous VS 2008 projects a full version of Visual Studio has been installed on the build server.

We are now starting a VS 2010 project.

Is it possible to run MSTest tests on the Team City build server without installing Visual Studio?

like image 975
Shiraz Bhaiji Avatar asked Aug 03 '11 13:08

Shiraz Bhaiji

1 Answers

  1. Download the Visual Studio Agents 2010 ISO: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=1334
  2. Mount/Extract the files and copy them to the agent server
  3. Run AutoRun and select to install Microsoft Visual Studio Test Agent 2010
  4. Install using the default settings
  5. Cancel out of the "configuration" dialog (you don't need the actual Agent running, just the installed libraries)

Your MSTest build step should run just fine now.

like image 90
Kcoder Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 19:10
