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Can't create react native app. Input is required, but expo is in non-interactive mode



I just started learning react native and I'm stuck at the beginning. I installed react native with npm install -g create-react-native-app, but when i try to create app with create-react-native-app it just says:

Input is required, but expo is in non-interactive mode. Required
> Choose a template:

like image 842
Ardenn1718 Avatar asked Sep 25 '18 15:09


People also ask

Can I use React Native without Expo?

So, if you've been building a React Native app without Expo from scratch, then you'll need to use a small portion of the native mobile coding skills. Although 95% of the code is shared between iOS and Android, you may still need to adjust the native code on both platforms based on usage.

Can Expo BE USED IN React Native?

Expo CLI is a safe choice for a new React Native programmer. It has a list of tools built around React Native. That's why you only need to download a recent version of Node. js and a phone or emulator to begin within minutes.

2 Answers

are you using git bash? try to use normal cmd to create the project

like image 145
Ridwan Budiman Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 17:10

Ridwan Budiman

you can't run the CLI in 'interactive mode' if you are using Git Bash, instead, you can use cmd, but if you insist on using Git Bash then you need to pass 2 arguments: name and template . so instead of

expo init <project-name>

you'd actually pass:

expo init <project-name> --template <one-of-the-predefined-templates> --name <AppName>

for example, expo init facebook-clone --template blank --name FacebookClone

the template argument defines how much boilerplate the project is initiated with
the name argument defines the app name (as shown in the home screen or even in Expo itself)

like image 26
Waddah Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 17:10
