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RCTBridge required dispatch_sync to load RCTDevLoadingView. This may lead to deadlocks



I get this in logs:

RCTBridge required dispatch_sync to load RCTDevLoadingView. This may lead to deadlocks

This is leading to an issue where the rendered content in React leads to alignment issues.

(See attached screenshot 1) Screenshot with Issue

This occurs randomly as all screens do not show alignment issues.

(See attached Screenshot 2) Screenshot without issue

I have used styled-components for Layout:

  this.props.lastComponent ?
  <CommentList marginLeft={this.props.marginLeft}>
    <CommentUserPicWrapper imageWidth={this.props.imageWidth}>
      {this.props.imageType === 'URL' ? <CommentUserPic source={{uri:this.props.uri}} imageWidth={this.props.imageWidth} onLoad={this.handleLoad}/> : <CommentUserPic source={require('../../img/defaultProfPic.png')} imageWidth={this.props.imageWidth} onLoad={this.handleLoad}/>}
        this.state.loading ? null : <ActivityIndicator style={{position:'absolute'}}/>
    <CommentDetails borderStatus={true} marginLeft={this.props.marginLeft}>
      <CommentUserName>{this.props.userName} says</CommentUserName>
      <CommentUserDate><Text>{this.props.commentDate}</Text> at <Text>{this.props.commentTime}</Text>MST</CommentUserDate>
    <CommentReply onPress={this.replyClicked} borderStatus={true} underlayColor='transparent'>
  <CommentList marginLeft={this.props.marginLeft}>
    <CommentUserPicWrapper imageWidth={this.props.imageWidth}>
      {this.props.imageType === 'URL' ? <CommentUserPic source={{uri:this.props.uri}} imageWidth={this.props.imageWidth} onLoad={this.handleLoad}/> : <CommentUserPic source={require('../../img/defaultProfPic.png')} imageWidth={this.props.imageWidth} onLoad={this.handleLoad}/>}
      {this.state.loading ? null : <ActivityIndicator style={{position:'absolute'}}/>}
    <CommentDetails borderStatus={this.props.borderStatus} marginLeft={this.props.marginLeft}>
      <CommentUserName>{this.props.userName} says</CommentUserName>
      <CommentUserDate><Text>{this.props.commentDate}</Text> at <Text>{this.props.commentTime}</Text>MST</CommentUserDate>
    <CommentReply onPress={this.replyClicked} borderStatus={this.props.borderStatus} underlayColor='transparent'>


like image 847
sajin nambiar Avatar asked Aug 31 '17 18:08

sajin nambiar

4 Answers

I fixed it with updating AppDelegate.m as below:

   #if RCT_DEV
   #import <React/RCTDevLoadingView.h>

   - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
   RCTBridge *bridge = [[RCTBridge alloc] initWithBundleURL:jsCodeLocation
   #if RCT_DEV
   [bridge moduleForClass:[RCTDevLoadingView class]];

   RCTRootView *rootView = [[RCTRootView alloc] initWithBridge:bridge

Source: grossingdev's answer Dec 10, 2017 from: https://github.com/facebook/react-native/issues/16376

like image 110
Florin Dobre Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 20:10

Florin Dobre

Add this line right after you import AppDelegate.h

#import <React/RCTDevLoadingView.h>

And then in the implementation of AppDelegate right before RCTRootView add the below lines:

[bridge moduleForClass:[RCTDevLoadingView class]];

Rebuild the app now. The error should be gone.

For further reference, visit here.

like image 12
Dibyajyoti Mishra Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 18:10

Dibyajyoti Mishra

some answers corrected but not clearly for somebody read. Because Delegate.h not easy for newbie

  1. location: PRODUCT_NAME/product_name/AppDelegate.m
  2. Edit that file carefully because if you wrong anything that will build fail or sometime when you reload your project will be build fail (so must be carefully): in first file after #import "AppDelegate.h"

#import "AppDelegate.h"

// Add this

#if RCT_DEV #import <React/RCTDevLoadingView.h> #endif // ---------------

add Before RCTRootView *rootView =

// add this

[bridge moduleForClass:[RCTDevLoadingView class]];

#endif //-------------------
RCTRootView *rootView = .... (your default code)

like image 6
Thang Pham Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 20:10

Thang Pham

When using React Native Navigation, modify your AppDelegate.m file like this:

// Add this
#import <React/RCTDevLoadingView.h>

// ...

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions

  [ReactNativeNavigation bootstrapWithDelegate:self launchOptions:launchOptions];

// Add this
  [[ReactNativeNavigation getBridge] moduleForClass:[RCTDevLoadingView class]];
  return YES;
like image 3
glocore Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 20:10
