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How do I create a React Native project using Yarn?

I am running the following commands in the DOS console on a Windows 7 (64-bit) machine.

npm install -g yarn yarn add global react-native yarn add global react-native-cli  react-native init sample 

After running react-native init sample, the console was closed.

The error log shows:

D:\Mobile>"$basedir/../../Users/pramaswamy/AppData/Local/Yarn/.global/node_modules/.bin/react-native.cmd"   "$@"   D:\Mobile>exit $?  
like image 626
Prabhakaran Ramaswamy Avatar asked Oct 13 '16 03:10

Prabhakaran Ramaswamy

People also ask

What is yarn used for in react?

Yarn is a package manager for Node. js that focuses on speed, security, and consistency. It was originally created to address some issues with the popular NPM package manager.

2 Answers

I think you're adding global dependencies wrong, and you shouldn't need to install react-native, globally or locally. react-native init will create a package.json with react-native listed as a dependency.

You should be able to install react-native-cli globally with yarn global add react-native-cli, not yarn add global react-native-cli.

You should be fine with running the following:

npm install -g yarn yarn global add react-native-cli react-native init sample 
like image 114
Jason Turner Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 02:09

Jason Turner

NEW SEP 2019, now it's more simple, use node10 and expo: (easy way)

npm install -g expo-cli  *to create project:      expo init AwesomeProject      cd AwesomeProject     npm start  *install the app 'expo' on your phone, and scan the qr code for the project and you can start to view your app 

more info: https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/getting-started.html

UPDATE OCT 2018 Create React Native App (now discontinued) has been merged with Expo CLI You can now use expo init to create your project. See Quick Start in the Expo documentation for instructions on getting started using Expo CLI.

Unfortunately, react-native-cli is outdated. Starting 13 March 2017, use create-react-native-app instead. Moreover, you shouldn't install Yarn with NPM. Instead, use one of the methods on the yarn installation page.

1. Install yarn

Via NPM. According to its installation docs, you shouldn't install yarn via npm, but if necessary, you can still install it with a pre-v5 version of npm.



Node 8.12.0 and NPM 6.4.1 is already compatible with create-react-native-app. Really some minors previous versions too. You don't need more downgrade your npm.

On Ubuntu.

curl -sS https://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian/pubkey.gpg | sudo apt-key add - echo "deb https://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian/ stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list 

On macOS, use Homebrew or MacPorts.

brew install yarn
sudo port install yarn

2. Install the Create React Native App

yarn global add create-react-native-app

3. Update your shell environment

source ~/.bashrc

4. Create a React native project

create-react-native-app myreactproj

like image 32
stackdave Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 02:09
