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Cannot write to Registry Key, getting UnauthorizedAccessException

I have a windows service that attempt to write to a registry key in LOCAL_MACHINE

The key is created as part of a windows installer package the controls the windows service and a stand alone control window.

The control window can read and write the registry key fine, however I cannot write to the registry key even when I give full permissions to LOCAL SERVICE.

This is the code that throws the exception:

private void updateLocalRegistryVersion(Double newVersion) {     RegistryKey rk = Registry.LocalMachine;     RegistryKey sk = rk.OpenSubKey(@"Software\CompanyName\Monitoring\Values");      sk.SetValue("scriptversion", newVersion.ToString()); } 

Any suggestions?

like image 963
dmck Avatar asked Dec 16 '10 17:12


1 Answers

RegistryKey.OpenSubKey(string) does not open the key for writing. Try using the OpenSubKey(string, bool) overload to specify that you want the key to be writable.

like image 151
Nicole Calinoiu Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 17:09

Nicole Calinoiu