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Cannot read property 'afterClosed' of undefined when unit testing MatDialog in Jasmine

I get the following error from Karma Jasmine:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'afterClosed' of undefined

I searched sincerely, but I could not find a solution in Stack Overflow or in other sources.

This is how I open the MatDialog in my component:
(Like documented)

constructor(public dialog: MatDialog) {}

public openDialog(): void {
    const dialogReference: MatDialogRef<any, any> = this.dialog.open(myDialogComponent, {
        width: '1728px'

    dialogReference.afterClosed().subscribe((result) => {

This is my unit test config:

beforeEach(async(() => {
        declarations: [
        imports: [
        providers: [
            { provide: MatDialog, useValue: {} },
        schemas: [CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA]

beforeEach(() => {
    fixture = TestBed.createComponent(myRequestComponent);
    component = fixture.componentInstance;

Here is my unit test:

it('openDialog() should open a dialog', () => {
    spyOn(component.dialog, 'open');



Do I have to mock the MatDialog or the MatDialogReference?

like image 576
jasie Avatar asked Feb 19 '19 13:02


1 Answers

Lets break your issue step by step.

First, by registering

providers: [{ provide: MatDialog, useValue: {} }],

Your test bed will inject a an object with no behavior (eg. instance methods/members) whenever MatDialog needs to be resolved.

This isn't truly necessary, as you are importing the MatDialogModule into your test bed, so an instance of MatDialog can be resolved without issues. But lets stick to your approach. This solution will require you to remove that line.

Second, by doing:

spyOn(component.dialog, 'open')

you are installing a proxy for the open instance method in the object referenced by component.dialog. In this case, the empty object that you registered previously.

Despite the fact that the object does not have such a member, jasmine will dynamically add the proxy in its place. That is why you don´t see an error like this.dialog.open is not a function.

Lastly, whenever interacted with, the proxy will record information about those interactions and redirect the calls to the original open member. Because there was no original implementation, a function with no return will be used in its place, which will finally trigger the accessing foo of undefined.


Remove { provide: MatDialog, useValue: {} } and use the following in order to mock the required MatDialogRef instance:

import { EMPTY} from 'rxjs';

it('openDialog() should open a dialog', () => {
    const openDialogSpy = spyOn(component.dialog, 'open')
        .returnValue({afterClosed: () => EMPTY});


like image 75
Jota.Toledo Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 06:09
