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Cannot install Nuget Package Manager

I am using VS2010 on Windows 7 (64 bits). When trying to install "Nuget Package Manager" from VS's "Extension Manager" it fails. The download works, but then I am stuck at the installing progress bar. When looking in Windows' task manager yo can see that the installer keeps on starting up new instances of the "vsixinstaller.exe" process. It goes on and on until the computer ultimately crashes.

The same behaviour occurrs when starting the file "NuGet.Tools.vsix" directly.

I have searched the net for the solution but haven't been able to find anything useful.

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Emil Lundin Avatar asked Aug 24 '12 09:08

Emil Lundin

2 Answers

I received the same behavior today so I decided to open Process Monitor to investigate.

Guess what...Process Monitor gives the same behavior. Then the light bulb went off... :)

Answer: I previously had administrator privileges on my laptop, but those were removed at the beginning of the new year. For some reason, when these programs use credentials that are not in the administrator group, they recursively call themselves instead of failing, timing out or reporting access denied, etc.

Please ensure that your attempting to update after launching VS as an Administrator.

I will be providing this feedback to the nuget support thread as well.

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dmcgill50 Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 12:11


Fixed by installing Nuget with admin right under SP1.

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MK Yung Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 12:11

MK Yung