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Can you remove elements from a std::list while iterating through it?





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Can we remove element from list while iterating?

Even though java. util. ArrayList provides the remove() methods, like remove (int index) and remove (Object element), you cannot use them to remove items while iterating over ArrayList in Java because they will throw ConcurrentModificationException if called during iteration.

How do you remove from list Iterator?

An element can be removed from a Collection using the Iterator method remove(). This method removes the current element in the Collection. If the remove() method is not preceded by the next() method, then the exception IllegalStateException is thrown.

How do you remove an element from a generic list while iterating over it?

The best way to remove items from a list while iterating over it is to use RemoveAll() .

How do you delete from a vector while iterating through it?

To delete single element from a vector using erase() function, pass the iterator of element to it like erase(it). It will delete the element pointed by the iterator the it variable. To delete multiple elements from a vector using erase() function, pass the iterator range to it like erase(start, end-1).

You have to increment the iterator first (with i++) and then remove the previous element (e.g., by using the returned value from i++). You can change the code to a while loop like so:

std::list<item*>::iterator i = items.begin();
while (i != items.end())
    bool isActive = (*i)->update();
    if (!isActive)
        items.erase(i++);  // alternatively, i = items.erase(i);

You want to do:

i= items.erase(i);

That will correctly update the iterator to point to the location after the iterator you removed.

You need to do the combination of Kristo's answer and MSN's:

// Note: Using the pre-increment operator is preferred for iterators because
//       there can be a performance gain.
// Note: As long as you are iterating from beginning to end, without inserting
//       along the way you can safely save end once; otherwise get it at the
//       top of each loop.

std::list< item * >::iterator iter = items.begin();
std::list< item * >::iterator end  = items.end();

while (iter != end)
    item * pItem = *iter;

    if (pItem->update() == true)
        // BTW, who is deleting pItem, a.k.a. (*iter)?
        iter = items.erase(iter);

Of course, the most efficient and SuperCool® STL savy thing would be something like this:

// This implementation of update executes other_code_involving(Item *) if
// this instance needs updating.
// This method returns true if this still needs future updates.
bool Item::update(void)
    if (m_needsUpdates == true)
        m_needsUpdates = other_code_involving(this);

    return (m_needsUpdates);

// This call does everything the previous loop did!!! (Including the fact
// that it isn't deleting the items that are erased!)

Use std::remove_if algorithm.

Work with collections should be like:

  1. prepare collection.
  2. process collection.

Life will be easier if you won't mix this steps.

  1. std::remove_if. or list::remove_if ( if you know that you work with list and not with the TCollection )
  2. std::for_each

I have sumup it, here is the three method with example:

1. using while loop

list<int> lst{4, 1, 2, 3, 5};

auto it = lst.begin();
while (it != lst.end()){
    if((*it % 2) == 1){
        it = lst.erase(it);// erase and go to next
    } else{
        ++it;  // go to next

for(auto it:lst)cout<<it<<" ";
cout<<endl;  //4 2

2. using remove_if member funtion in list:

list<int> lst{4, 1, 2, 3, 5};

lst.remove_if([](int a){return a % 2 == 1;});

for(auto it:lst)cout<<it<<" ";
cout<<endl;  //4 2

3. using std::remove_if funtion combining with erase member function:

list<int> lst{4, 1, 2, 3, 5};

lst.erase(std::remove_if(lst.begin(), lst.end(), [](int a){
    return a % 2 == 1;
}), lst.end());

for(auto it:lst)cout<<it<<" ";
cout<<endl;  //4 2

4. using for loop , should note update the iterator:

list<int> lst{4, 1, 2, 3, 5};

for(auto it = lst.begin(); it != lst.end();++it){
    if ((*it % 2) == 1){
        it = lst.erase(it);  erase and go to next(erase will return the next iterator)
        --it;  // as it will be add again in for, so we go back one step

for(auto it:lst)cout<<it<<" ";
cout<<endl;  //4 2 

The alternative for loop version to Kristo's answer.

You lose some efficiency, you go backwards and then forward again when deleting but in exchange for the extra iterator increment you can have the iterator declared in the loop scope and the code looking a bit cleaner. What to choose depends on priorities of the moment.

The answer was totally out of time, I know...

typedef std::list<item*>::iterator item_iterator;

for(item_iterator i = items.begin(); i != items.end(); ++i)
    bool isActive = (*i)->update();

    if (!isActive)