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Can WinRT application use obfuscation?

All Metro applications must be inspected before distribution through Windows 8 AppStore. Does this mean it will not be allowed to use code obfuscation? Or it is still possible, and only some specific aspects are going to be monitored during such inspection?

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Roman Boiko Avatar asked Sep 22 '11 20:09

Roman Boiko

1 Answers

Here are some facts:

  • Marketplace for WP7 allows C# apps be obfuscated (even MS he advises doing so) and I don't see any reason why Windows AppStore would ban such apps.
  • It is almost certain that some vendors will provide compatible C++ obfuscator.
  • You should care about your clients not crackers. :)
  • a lot of hacks for code obfuscation will be banned.

Remember, if you have some logic that you want to hide, make a webservice and consume it in your client app. Better spend your time building better app, fixing bugs etc.

No dice, if someone has access to the binaries is just a matter of time when someone cracks it.

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Lukasz Madon Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 23:10

Lukasz Madon