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Can we reassign the reference in C++?




I have read everywhere that a reference has to be initialized then and there and can't be re-initialized again.

To test my understanding, I have written the following small program. It seems as if I have actually succeeded in reassigning a reference. Can someone explain to me what is actually going on in my program?

#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>

using namespace std;

int main()
    int i = 5, j = 9;

    int &ri = i;
    cout << " ri is : " << ri  <<"\n";

    i = 10;
    cout << " ri is : " << ri  << "\n";

    ri = j; // >>> Is this not reassigning the reference? <<<
    cout << " ri is : " << ri  <<"\n";

    return 0;

The code compiles fine and the output is as I expect:

ri is : 5
ri is : 10
ri is : 9
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Invictus Avatar asked Feb 15 '12 12:02


People also ask

Can references be reassigned?

Remember, once you initialize a reference, you cannot reassign it. A reference practically stands for an object. You cannot make it 'point' to a different object.

Can reference be changed?

Formally speaking, that is impossible as it is forbidden by design. Arbitrarily speaking, that is possible. A references is stored as a pointer, so you can always change where it points to as long as you know how to get its address.

Can a reference variable be reinitialized?

I have read about C++ reference type variables as they cannot be reinitialized or reassigned, since they are stored 'internally' as constant pointers. So a compiler would give a error.

Can we change the value of reference variable?

Once a reference is established to a variable, we cannot change the reference to reference another variable.

4 Answers

ri = j; // >>> Is this not reassigning the reference? <<<

No, ri is still a reference to i - you can prove this by printing &ri and &i and seeing they're the same address.

What you did is modify i through the reference ri. Print i after, and you'll see this.

Also, for comparison, if you create a const int &cri = i; it won't let you assign to that.

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Useless Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 23:10


It seems as if I have actually succeeded in reassigning a reference. Is that true?

No, you haven't. You are actually reassigning the value, and you are not rebinding the reference.

In your example, when you do int &ri = i;, ri is bound to i for its lifetime. When you do ri = j;, you are simply assigning the value of j to ri. ri still remains a reference to i! And it results in the same outcome as if you had instead written i = j;

If you understand pointers well, then always think of the reference as an analogical interpretation of T* const where T is any type.

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iammilind Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 23:10


When you assign something to a reference you actually assign the value to the object the reference is bound to. So this:


has the same effect as

i = j;

would have because ri is bound to i. So any action on ri is executed on i.

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sharptooth Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 22:10


You are not reassigning the reference when executing ri = j;. You're actually assigning j to i. Try printing i after the line and you'll see that i changed value.

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Eric Fortin Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 00:10

Eric Fortin