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Can we change svgicon color when using with <mat-icon> (angular material)

So I have an svg icon, I am using angular material to display it and wanted to change the color on hover but so far I haven't been able to do that. Here's the code for reference:

<mat-icon svgIcon="menu"></mat-icon>

The icon comes up however when I try,

<mat-icon class="color" svgIcon="menu"></mat-icon>

and in css part

.color:hover, .color:active{
color: black;
fill: black;

It doesn't work. Any help will be appreciated, thanks.

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shahnshah Avatar asked Mar 27 '18 18:03


1 Answers

Solved it myself this morning, what I did basically was opened the svg file with a text editor and there was a fill property at the end of the long "Path" attributes, I simply deleted that part and now it works awesome.


<path d="M47.713,274.096c0,3.866,3.134,7,7,7s7-3.134,7-7v-64.653l87.584-`66.53v52.38c0,3.866" fill="#ffffff";/>`


<path d="M47.713,274.096c0,3.866,3.134,7,7,7s7-3.134,7-7v-64.653l87.584-`66.53v52.38c0,3.866"/>

now everything works, and hover works too... Thanks a lot for still looking into it.

like image 181
shahnshah Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 14:10
