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Can Visual Studio always open ASP.NET pages in Source view, not Design view?

Anyone know how to tell Visual Studio 2008 to always open up ASP.NET pages in "Source" mode, not "Design" mode?

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royco Avatar asked Sep 28 '09 03:09


1 Answers

Tools → Options → Web Forms Designer → Start pages in "Source view".

In VS < 2015 it was called HTML Designer.

For other extensions you can define specific behaviour by right clicking on a file and selecting Open With. This allows you to set once off or default behaviour for opening more esoteric file types.

For example, I use the Sandcastle Help File Builder, so have .shfbproj extensions loading up the SHFB GUI, but you could also load it up as plain XML (or whatever).

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si618 Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 18:09
