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Can typescript compiler produce POCO .NET types/assembly?




I'm getting into app development using knockout with MVC and EF and I'm looking at how adding TypeScript to the recipe might help me out.

I like the cleaner mechanism for authoring in the IDE but the missing thing seems to be the ability to reference the interfaces defined in typescript from other .NET assemblies.

Am I right that there's nothing stopping this from happening other than it hasn't been done? I'm curious if there a demand for it or if I am looking at the problem domain in a way that others aren't.

The reason I see utility is because currently I have no way to define a given DTO in just one place. I have to either author them separately in my C# View model and javascript/typescript or I have to use something like the knockout mapping plugin which is too much "magic" for my tastes.

Note: I'm not asking for arbitrary typescript to .NET conversion. I'd just like typescript interfaces to produce usable .NET POCO types.

Note2: I just found http://typescript.codeplex.com/ which does what I'm asking in the opposite direction (from .NET to typescript) and this actually might be sufficient for the problem I'm expressing in this question.

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Aaron Anodide Avatar asked Oct 04 '22 09:10

Aaron Anodide

1 Answers

There is a utility to convert C# classes into Typescript : http://type.litesolutions.net/

This way you can have your DTOs in one place i.e. C#. Available on Nuget and is open source on BitBucket so feel free to modify (even the code generation) and contribute.

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basarat Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 12:10
