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Can template classes have static members in C++

Can a template class in C++ have static members? Since it doesn't exist and is imcomplete before it is used, is this possible?

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rubixibuc Avatar asked Apr 29 '11 04:04


People also ask

Can template be static?

Each class template instantiation has its own copy of any static data members. The static declaration can be of template argument type or of any defined type. The statement template T K::x defines the static member of class K , while the statement in the main() function assigns a value to the data member for K <int> .

Can a class have a static member?

We can define class members static using static keyword. When we declare a member of a class as static it means no matter how many objects of the class are created, there is only one copy of the static member. A static member is shared by all objects of the class.

Can template class inherit?

Inheriting from a template class It is possible to inherit from a template class. All the usual rules for inheritance and polymorphism apply. If we want the new, derived class to be generic it should also be a template class; and pass its template parameter along to the base class.

What is the difference between class template and template class?

A class template is a template that is used to generate classes whereas a template class is a class that is produced by a template.

1 Answers

Yes. The static member is declared or defined inside the template< … > class { … } block. If it is declared but not defined, then there must be another declaration which provides the definition of the member.

template< typename T >
class has_static {
    // inline method definition: provides the body of the function.
    static void meh() {}

    // method declaration: definition with the body must appear later
    static void fuh();

    // definition of a data member (i.e., declaration with initializer)
    // only allowed for const integral members
    static int const guh = 3;

    // declaration of data member, definition must appear later,
    // even if there is no initializer.
    static float pud;

// provide definitions for items not defined in class{}
// these still go in the header file

// this function is also inline, because it is a template
template< typename T >
void has_static<T>::fuh() {}

/* The only way to templatize a (non-function) object is to make it a static
   data member of a class. This declaration takes the form of a template yet
   defines a global variable, which is a bit special. */
template< typename T >
float has_static<T>::pud = 1.5f; // initializer is optional

A separate static member is created for each parameterization of the template. It is not possible to have a single member shared across all classes generated by the template. For that, you must define another object outside the template. A partially-specialized traits class might help with that.

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Potatoswatter Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 13:10
