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Can magento use multiple MySQL slaves?

The following is part of my config for using a single slave.

        <initStatements><![CDATA[SET NAMES utf8]]></initStatements>

However, I want to use multiple slaves. Is this possible with Magento?

To clarify, I have already got a single master/slave setup working with Magento already. I want to add another slave so that I have two slaves. I am wondering how the config will change to make use of this second slave.

like image 579
Abs Avatar asked Sep 05 '13 12:09


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2 Answers

Given your comments above and assuming you have correct replication setup of your Databases.

Solution :-

- Step 1:

In File


Find "core_read" Closing tag


Add After the closing tag ( as many as databases you want to use ) it should look like below:


- Step 2:

And Add the new connection in your apt/etc/local.xml after ( "/default_setup>" closing tag )

                <initStatements><![CDATA[SET NAMES utf8]]></initStatements>
                <initStatements><![CDATA[SET NAMES utf8]]></initStatements>

- Step 3:

Copy the File From " app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Resource.php " == TO ==> " app/code/local/Mage/Core/Model/Resource.php "

1- Find protected $_mappedTableNames;

2- Add this method below :

public function getSlaveDb()
    $prefix = 'slave_db_'; // prefix for the slaves databased in the xml file
    $cookieExpireTime = 1209600; // 2 weeks Cookie ( database selection ) expire time
    $dbArray = array(1,2); // All slaves Db in-case the cookie has invalid value
    $slaveDb = array_rand( array_flip($dbArray),1 ); // How to alternate between databases ( in this demo i just use 2 database ) adjust the selection of the database to fit hoe many database you want to use !
    if(!isset($_COOKIE['read_db']) || !in_array($_COOKIE['read_db'],$dbArray)) // Check for the cookie values
        setcookie("read_db", $slaveDb, time()+$cookieExpireTime); // set the current database to the user in cookie so next time user use same connection to database ! to avoid jumping or hopping on different databases in short time
        $slaveDb = $_COOKIE['read_db']; // return the database selected if the user has it in the cookies
    return $prefix.$slaveDb;

3- Modify the method " public function getConnection($name) " to Look like below :

public function getConnection($name)
    if($name =='core_read') // Only applied for READ Connections !!!
        $name = $this->getSlaveDb(); // change the name of the connection to the one we get from our main method
    //....... Leave the rest of the function as it is !!

This will allow you to use as many as databases you specify in the XML and PHP CODE for core_read connection and the default_setup connection for all other connections in magento ( core_write, core_setup )

Hope this solve your problem.

like image 56
Meabed Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 01:10


As far as I am aware it is not possible to use multiple slaves with Magento.

If you are using AWS you could maybe use larger instances for your master/slave setup?

like image 43
bScutt Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 01:10
