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Can I ignore thread safety when programming in Erlang?

I've just started learning about thread safety. This is making me code a lot more defensively, perhaps too defensively.

Would using a functional language like Erlang completely rid me of this concern?

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Aillyn Avatar asked Aug 19 '10 16:08


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Is Erlang multithreaded?

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2 Answers

in Erlang the unit of execution state isn't a thread, but a process. yeah, it's a lightweight kind of process implemented on top of threads; but it's more like a process than a thread.

The main point is that processes don't share state, they pass messages; while threads share everything by default, and have to arbitrate to avoid chaos.

thus, you don't need thread safety since you're not working with threads.

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Javier Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 04:09


Javier is right.

However, I'd like to just add something as it has caught me before. If you are working with a built-in driver or nif it may not be thread safe anymore. It seems obvious since the driver or nif will be using C or C++ code, but it's worth mentioning. So you can't completely ignore thread safety just because you are using Erlang.

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Kyle d'Oliveira Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 03:09

Kyle d'Oliveira