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Can I create a github repository named the same as one that existed but was deleted?



Through the github web interface I created a new repository. I forgot to chose some options at creation time and thought I'd delete the new, empty repository and start again.

I deleted the repository but now cannot create a new repository with the same name as one that was deleted. I get a 'Name already exists on this account' error when I try.

I don't know if this is a permanent matter (i.e. I can never create a new repository named the same as one that has been deleted) or just a temporary matter perhaps due to some information being cached which will later be cleared.

Can I create a github repository named the same as one that existed but was deleted?

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Jon Cram Avatar asked Jun 20 '12 10:06

Jon Cram

People also ask

Can two GitHub repos have the same name?

The repository name has to be unique to your account. That means that someone else can have a repository on GitHub named my-awesome-repo , and you can have one as well. You cannot however have two repos by the same name under your account. Choose a descriptive name based on your project.

Can I delete a repository on GitHub and recreate?

Cannot re-create a deleted repository.

What happens when you delete a GitHub repository?

Deleting a repository will permanently delete release attachments and team permissions. This action cannot be undone. Deleting a private repository will delete all forks of the repository.

Does GitHub tell you when someone clones your repository?

Can the owner of the repo see when someone clones it? No, they cannot. If I go to one of your repositories and clone it to my local hard drive, the owner will not be able to view that activity.

1 Answers

You certainly should be able to create a new one with the same name. I'm fairly sure I've done this before.

I'd leave it for 5/10 minutes and try again if I were you.

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Will Pragnell Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 01:09

Will Pragnell