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Is it possible to track views and clones of my github repositories



Just wondering if there is any Analytics type things available for github. I'd be curious to know who is viewing / using my code, if anyone...

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LiveSource Avatar asked Oct 12 '12 01:10


People also ask

Can you see if someone clones your GitHub repo?

Can the owner of the repo see when someone clones it? No, they cannot.

Can I see how many people viewed my GitHub repo?

If your project is hosted on GitHub, you can view how many people land on your project and where they come from. From your project's page, click “Insights”, then “Traffic”. On this page, you can see: Total page views: Tells you how many times your project was viewed.

Can you see how many times a repo has been cloned?

Cloning is a read-only operation, the original repository isn't modified. There is no way you can pull statistics for data that simply isn't tracked.

How do I track views on GitHub?

On GitHub.com, navigate to the main page of the repository. Under your repository name, click Insights. In the left sidebar, click Traffic.

1 Answers

All analytics for a GitHub repository is available at

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NARKOZ Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 10:11