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GitHub link from Issue to Wiki




I want link wiki-page to issue text.

[]() syntax links into issues pool.

[[text|page]] doesn't work.

How to do it?

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adnako Avatar asked Sep 18 '12 07:09


People also ask

How do I link a Wikipedia page to GitHub?

You can create links in wikis using the standard markup supported by your page, or using MediaWiki syntax. For example: If your pages are rendered with Markdown, the link syntax is [Link Text](full-URL-of-wiki-page) .

How do I link to an issue in GitHub?

To link related issues in the same repository, you can type # followed by part of the issue title and then clicking the issue that you want to link. To communicate responsibility, you can assign issues.

How do I add a link to wiki?

If you are not already editing the wiki page, click Edit. Click where you want to insert the hyperlink. Click the Insert tab on the ribbon, and then click Link. In the Insert Hyperlink dialog box, type the text to display and the Web address for the link.

1 Answers

You can also use relative paths. Here's an example from one of my projects:


I prefer this approach to full paths, since it's not impossible that you might rename a project or transfer ownership to someone else, and so break any absolute references to parts of the repo.

like image 104
Mark Birbeck Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 00:10

Mark Birbeck