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Can `deps:[]` also be used with `useClass`?

I already know what/how to use deps.
It is when a factory method needs Injected tokens , so we need to supply them like :

const randomFactory = (car,engine) => { return ... };
 providers: [Car,Engine, 
             { provide: 'Random', 
               useFactory: randomFactory ,  
               deps: [Car, Engine],

But I've read here :

so it's basically deps only relevant when useFactory is used, correct?
->Exactly - only for useFactory

But then I've asked in other place :

Can deps be used with useClass ? I thought they are only for useFactory –
-> Yes they can. It would be useful when you’re injecting generic dependencies that require explicitly named tokens

I didn't want to continue comments in two places and hence my question :


In which scenarios would I use useClass with deps ?

Also , even if I used it , say class Foo :

Class Foo
 constructor ( private s1:Service1 , private s2:service2){}

^ Which already(!) have a ctor of its own. Where would deps dependencies be injected ? ( appended to ctor??)


An example of scenario + code would be much appreciated.

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Royi Namir Avatar asked Feb 03 '18 07:02

Royi Namir

People also ask

What is DEPS in provider?

The deps property is an array of provider tokens. The Logger and UserService classes serve as tokens for their own class providers. The injector resolves these tokens and injects the corresponding services into the matching heroServiceFactory factory function parameters.

When should I use useFactory method?

To summarize, choose useValue to provide the same injected value each time*, useFactory when the injection value should be computed at runtime, and useClass when you want the injector to construct a value of Type<any> to provide.

What is true about the useClass provider option?

Class Provider: useClassThe useClass expects us to provide a type. The Injector creates a new instance from the type and injects it. It is similar to calling the new operator and returning instance. If the type requires any constructor parameters, the injector will resolve that also.

What is the use of useFactory?

With useFactory we can use a factory at runtime to decide which kind of service we want to return if it got requested by any other class in our application. Note that you do not want to change the method and/or property calls on your requesting instances when ServiceB is being returned instead of ServiceA .

2 Answers

There are two kinds of providers:

StaticProvider and Provider

enter image description here


It's kind of providers that are used to configure Injector in a static way(without Reflection)

According to the commit

platformXXXX() no longer accepts providers which depend on reflection. Specifically the method signature went from Provider[] to StaticProvider[].


What does it mean?

1) When we pass provider to platform we have to specify deps because we have to use StaticClassProvider or ConstructorProvider instead of just ClassProvider (see picture above)

   providers: [
       provide: ElementSchemaRegistry, 
       useClass: CustomDomElementSchemaRegistry, 
       deps: [] <===================== required here

2) When we create Injector dynamically we have to specify deps because Injector.create takes StatisProvider array.

For instance:

export const MyParams = new InjectionToken<string[]>('params');

export class MyService {
  constructor(@Inject(MyParams) public someParameters: string[]) {}

  selector: 'my-app',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
export class AppComponent {
  name = 'Angular ' + VERSION.full;

  constructor() {
      const inj = Injector.create([
      { provide: MyService, useClass: MyService  } <=== we will get an error because we have to define deps



It's kind of providers that we usually use when write providers in @NgModule or @Component/@Directive metadatas

Looking at this answer how the parameters of a forRoot() module's method is passed to a provider? I would say that deps is not required there. We only need to provide Params in providers array and angular will do all job for us.

@estus said that

deps are available only in useFactory providers but not in useClass providers.

because he meant Provider(more precisely ClassProvider) not StaticProvider

P.S. You can also read my article about StaticInjector :)

  • https://medium.com/@a.yurich.zuev/angular-how-staticinjector-replaces-reflectiveinjector-6f303d2798f6
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yurzui Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 01:09


Yes, deps may be used by useFactory or useClass.

You can see that this is true by looking at the Angular source (5+) for packages\compiler\src\metadata_resolver.ts. If deps is populated for either useClass or useFactory, then deps will be returned in the provider metadata:

getProviderMetadata(provider: cpl.ProviderMeta): cpl.CompileProviderMetadata {
    let compileDeps: cpl.CompileDiDependencyMetadata[] = undefined !;
    let compileTypeMetadata: cpl.CompileTypeMetadata = null !;
    let compileFactoryMetadata: cpl.CompileFactoryMetadata = null !;
    let token: cpl.CompileTokenMetadata = this._getTokenMetadata(provider.token);

    if (provider.useClass) {
      compileTypeMetadata = this._getInjectableMetadata(provider.useClass, provider.dependencies);
      compileDeps = compileTypeMetadata.diDeps; <-- ***HERE***
      if (provider.token === provider.useClass) {
        // use the compileTypeMetadata as it contains information about lifecycleHooks...
        token = {identifier: compileTypeMetadata};
    } else if (provider.useFactory) {
      compileFactoryMetadata = this._getFactoryMetadata(provider.useFactory, provider.dependencies);
      compileDeps = compileFactoryMetadata.diDeps;  <-- ***HERE***

    return {
      token: token,
      useClass: compileTypeMetadata,
      useValue: provider.useValue,
      useFactory: compileFactoryMetadata,
      useExisting: provider.useExisting ? this._getTokenMetadata(provider.useExisting) : undefined,
      deps: compileDeps, <-- ***HERE ***
      multi: provider.multi

You can see from packages\compiler\src\view_compiler\provider_compiler.ts that deps is used to instantiate a multi provider:

if (provider.useClass) {
      const depExprs = convertDeps(providerIndex, provider.deps || provider.useClass.diDeps);
      expr = ctx.importExpr(provider.useClass.reference).instantiate(depExprs); <-- ***HERE***
} else if (provider.useFactory) {
      const depExprs = convertDeps(providerIndex, provider.deps || provider.useFactory.diDeps);
      expr = ctx.importExpr(provider.useFactory.reference).callFn(depExprs);<-- ***HERE***

The same is true for single providers (https://github.com/angular/angular/blob/5.2.x/packages/compiler/src/view_compiler/provider_compiler.ts#L89).

if (providerMeta.useClass) {
  providerExpr = ctx.importExpr(providerMeta.useClass.reference);
  flags |= NodeFlags.TypeClassProvider;
  deps = providerMeta.deps || providerMeta.useClass.diDeps; <-- ***HERE***
} else if (providerMeta.useFactory) {
  providerExpr = ctx.importExpr(providerMeta.useFactory.reference);
  flags |= NodeFlags.TypeFactoryProvider;
  deps = providerMeta.deps || providerMeta.useFactory.diDeps; <-- ***HERE***

So even though it is not well documented, deps can be used by useClass or useFactory.

As an aside, deps is ignored when using useExisting or useValue providers (https://github.com/angular/angular/blob/5.2.x/packages/compiler/src/view_compiler/provider_compiler.ts#L108):

} else if (providerMeta.useExisting) {
  providerExpr = o.NULL_EXPR;
  flags |= NodeFlags.TypeUseExistingProvider;
  deps = [{token: providerMeta.useExisting}];
} else {
  providerExpr = convertValueToOutputAst(ctx, providerMeta.useValue);
  flags |= NodeFlags.TypeValueProvider;
  deps = [];

That being said, in the typical case, having a useClass provider and explicitly naming dependencies in the deps array is usually not necessary. You should let DI handle that for you implicitly.

I found some obscure use cases for it when trying to implement a static forRoot method as referenced by these questions here and here.

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pixelbits Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 03:09
