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Can angularjs routes have optional parameter values?

Can I set a route with optional params (same template and controller, but some params should be ignored if they don't exist?

So instead of writing the following two rules, have only one?

module.config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) {
     when('/users/', {templateUrl: 'template.tpl.html', controller: myCtrl}).            
     when('/users/:userId', {templateUrl: 'template.tpl.html', controller: myCtrl})

Something like this ([this param is optional])

when('/users[/:userId]', {templateUrl: 'template.tpl.html', controller: myCtrl})
//note: this previous doesn't work

I couldn't find anything in their documentation.

like image 246
Alexandru R Avatar asked Oct 04 '22 12:10

Alexandru R

People also ask

How does AngularJS route work?

AngularJS routes enable the user to create different URLs for different content in an application. The ngRoute module helps in accessing different pages of an application without reloading the entire application. Important: $routeProvider is used to configure the routes.

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Nothing is being displayed in the layout View. That's because the routes that are configured using UI-Router are case sensitive. To make route insensitive, all you have to do is to inject $urlMatcherFactoryProvider service into the config() function and call caseInsensitive(true) function.

Is a optional parameter in URL?

Parameters provide a way of passing arbitrary data to a page via the URL. Optional parameters allow URLs to matched to routes even if no parameter value is passed. Things can get a bit complicated if you want to permit multiple optional parameters.

Which function is used to set up a default route in AngularJS?

We use the ngRoute config() to configure the $routeProvider. The config() takes a function which takes the $routeProvider as parameter and the routing configuration goes inside the function.

Is it possible to have a default parameter in AngularJS?

AngularJS does not allow default values for route parameters. But routes (in AngularJS) should not have default parameters. Resources could have default parameters. In AngularJS if you want a route with an optional parameter, these are actually two different routes.

What is the difference between query and Route parameters in angular?

Query parameters are common in searches, pagination etc. Route parameters are part of the route definition and is used by Angular to determine the route. Query parameters are optional and doesn’t stop Angular from navigating to a route.

What is a default route in angular?

A default route can be set-up for angular.JS routing. It is used to determine what will be the default view to be shown to the user Parameters can be passed to the route via the URL as route parameters.

What is $routeprovider in angular?

The $routeprovider is a service that angular uses to listen in the background to the routes which are called. So when the user clicks a link, the routeprovider in AngularJS will detect this and then decide on which route to take.

2 Answers

It looks like Angular has support for this now.

From the latest (v1.2.0) docs for $routeProvider.when(path, route):

path can contain optional named groups with a question mark (:name?)

like image 244
g-eorge Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 02:10


Like @g-eorge mention, you can make it like this:

module.config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) {
  when('/users/:userId?', {templateUrl: 'template.tpl.html', controller: myCtrl})

You can also make as much as u need optional parameters.

like image 60
zmilan Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 00:10
