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ngClass style with dash in key



I hope this saves someone a headache with styles that use dashes, especially since bootstrap has become so popular.

I am using angular 1.0.5 by way of

<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.0.5/angular.js"></script>

In the ngClass documentation, the example is simple, but it also mentions the expression can be a map of class names to boolean values. I was trying to use the "icon-white" style on my icon as shown in the bootstrap documentation, depending on a boolean variable.

<i class="icon-home" ng-class="{icon-white: someBooleanValue}">

The line above does not work. The class is not appended with icon-white when someBooleanValue is true. However, if I change the key to iconWhite, it is successfully added to the list of class values. How would one add a value with a dash?

like image 327
Foo L Avatar asked Oct 02 '22 02:10

Foo L

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2 Answers

After hours of hacking around, it turns out the dash gets interpolated! Quotes are needed.

<i class="icon-home" ng-class="{'icon-white': someBooleanValue}">


In older versions of Angular, using a backslash also does the trick, but not in the newer versions.

<i class="icon-home" ng-class="{icon\-white: someBooleanValue}">

The former is probably preferred, since you can more easily search for it in your favorite editor.

like image 368
Foo L Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 19:10

Foo L

\'icon-white\' works as well (with AngularJS 1.2.7)

like image 11
Bromoxid Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 20:10
