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Sorting dropdown alphabetically in AngularJS



People also ask

How to sort a list in AngularJS?

String: If the array is an array of objects, you can sort the array by the value of one of the object properties. See the examples below. Function: You can create a function to organize the sorting. Array: Use an array if you need more than one object property to determine the sorting order.

How to sort in descending order in AngularJS?

AngularJS orderBy filter allows sorting of data in a collection. It supports both, ascending and descending order. The "+" operator is used to order the data in ascending order and thde "-" operator is used to order the data in descending order.

How is sorting implemented in AngularJS?

To sort in descending order, set it as true . You can also use + to sort the data in an ascending and – the data in descending order also . Here with the filters in Angular JS, instead of displaying the various rows, we will be sorting it by ascending and descending order .

Angular has an orderBy filter that can be used like this:

<select ng-model="selected" ng-options="f.name for f in friends | orderBy:'name'"></select>

See this fiddle for an example.

It's worth noting that if track by is being used it needs to appear after the orderBy filter, like this:

<select ng-model="selected" ng-options="f.name for f in friends | orderBy:'name' track by f.id"></select>

You should be able to use filter: orderBy

orderBy can accept a third option for the reverse flag.

<select ng-option="item.name for item in items | orderBy:'name':true"></select>

Here item is sorted by 'name' property in a reversed order. The 2nd argument can be any order function, so you can sort in any rule.

@see http://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng.filter:orderBy

var module = angular.module("example", []);

module.controller("orderByController", function ($scope) {
    $scope.orderByValue = function (value) {
        return value;

    $scope.items = ["c", "b", "a"];
    $scope.objList = [
            "name": "c"
        }, {
            "name": "b"
        }, {
            "name": "a"
        $scope.item = "b";
