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Can a django template know whether the view it is invoked from has the @login_required decorator?

Let's say that I have a system that has some pages that are public (both non-authenticated users and logged-in users can view) and others which only logged-in users can view.

I want the template to show slightly different content for each of these two classes of pages. The @login_required view decorator is always used on views which only logged-in users can view. However, my template would need to know whether this decorator is used on the view from which the template was invoked from.

Please keep in mind that I do not care whether the user is logged in or not for the public pages. What I care about is whether a page can be viewed by the general public, and the absence of a @login_required decorator will tell me that.

Can anyone throw me a hint on how the template would know whether a particular decorator is being used on the view from which the template invoked from?

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Krystian Cybulski Avatar asked Mar 29 '09 19:03

Krystian Cybulski

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1 Answers

Yes, it is possible, but not terribly straightforward. The complicating factor is that Django's login_required decorator actually passes through 2 levels of indirection (one dynamic function and one other decorator), to end up at django.contrib.auth.decorators._CheckLogin, which is a class with a __call__ method.

Let's say you have a non-django, garden-variety decorated function that looks like this:

def my_decorator(func):
    def inner():
        return func()
    return inner

def foo():
    print foo.func_name

# results in: inner

Checking to see if the function foo has been wrapped can be as simple as checking the function object's name. You can do this inside the function. The name will actually be the name of the last wrapper function. For more complicated cases, you can use the inspect module to walk up the outer frames from the current frame if you're looking for something in particular.

In the case of Django, however, the fact that the decorator is actually an instance of the _CheckLogin class means that the function is not really a function, and therefore has no func_name property: trying the above code will raise an Exception.

Looking at the source code for django.contrib.auth.decorators._CheckLogin, however, shows that the _CheckLogin instance will have a login_url property. This is a pretty straightforward thing to test for:

def my_view(request):
    is_private = hasattr(my_view, 'login_url')

Because _CheckLogin is also used to implement the other auth decorators, this approach will also work for permission_required, etc. I've never actually had a need to use this, however, so I really can't comment on what you should look for if you have multiple decorators around a single view... an exercise left to the reader, I guess (inspect the frame stack?).

As unrequested editorial advice, however, I would say checking the function itself to see if it was wrapped like this strikes me as a bit fiddly. You can probably imagine all sorts of unpredictable behaviour waiting to happen when a new developer comes to the project as slaps on some other decorator. In fact, you're also exposed to changes in the django framework itself... a security risk waiting to happen.

I would recommend Van Gale's approach for that reason as something that is explicit, and therefore a much more robust implementation.

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Jarret Hardie Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 10:11

Jarret Hardie