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Docker-compose service exited with code 0

I'm quite new to Docker. I'm trying to run Django on Docker. Following is my docker-compose file.

version: '2'
          context: .
          dockerfile: ./deploy/dev/Dockerfile
        tty: true
        command: python manage.py runserver
              - "8000:8000"
            - ./app:/src/app
            - "workflow_db"
            - "rabbitmq"
            - ./deploy/dev/envvar.env
        image: postgres:9.6
            - postgres_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data/
            - POSTGRES_USER=hello_django
            - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=hello_django
            - POSTGRES_DB=hello_django
        image: "rabbitmq:3-management"
        hostname: "rabbitmq"
            RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_USER: "rabbitmq"
            RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_PASS: "rabbitmq"
            - "15672:15672"
            - "5672:5672"


FROM python:3.7-alpine

RUN apk update && apk add --no-cache gcc libffi-dev g++ python-dev build-base linux-headers postgresql-dev postgresql postgresql-contrib pcre-dev bash alpine-sdk \
  && pip install wheel

#Copy over application files
COPY ./app /src/app

#Copy over, and grant executable permission to the startup script
COPY ./deploy/dev/entrypoint.sh /
RUN chmod +x /entrypoint.sh

WORKDIR /src/app

#Install requirements pre-startup to reduce entrypoint time
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt

ENTRYPOINT [ "/entrypoint.sh" ]

And finally my entrypoint.sh

#! /bin/bash

cd /src/app || exit

echo "PIP INSTALLATION" && pip install -r requirements.txt

echo "UPGRADE" && python manage.py migrate

# echo "uwsgi" && uwsgi "uwsgi.ini"

I do django-compose build, it builds the image. But when I do docker-compose up django_1 exited with code 0.

However, if I uncomment the last line of entrypoint.sh, it runs perfectly well.

Can someone help me understand the reason behind it?

like image 446
PythonEnthusiast Avatar asked Oct 17 '19 08:10


People also ask

Why does my container exit?

Your containers can exit due to application issues, resource constraints, or other issues. To prevent your containers from exiting so that your tasks can start, consider the troubleshooting options in the Resolution section.

How do you stop a container from exiting?

The simplest way to keep the container running is to pass a command that never ends. We can use never-ending commands in any of the following ways: ENTRYPOINT or CMD directive in the Dockerfile. Overriding ENTRYPOINT or CMD in the docker run command.

1 Answers

When you have both a command and an entrypoint, Docker runs only the entrypoint, and passes the command to it as arguments. See Understand how CMD and ENTRYPOINT interact in the Dockerfile docs. As soon as the entrypoint exits, the container is over; it can do whatever it likes with the command part, including completely ignoring it.

Typical practice is to end the entrypoint script with

exec "$@"

which causes it to just take its command-line arguments and run them as a command, replacing the entrypoint script as the main container process.

Without this, you get to the end of the entrypoint script, and the container has done everything it's told to do, so it exits successfully (status code 0).

like image 84
David Maze Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 10:11

David Maze