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Can a C++ Header file with classes be converted to a Delphi unit?

I have a C++ *.h file with three classes in it. The header file is for accessing a DLL. I have almost no C++ knowledge. However, I seem to recall from somewhere that you can't convert a *.h file to a Delphi unit that has classes in it. Is this true?

If it isn't true, and classes in header files aren't a problem, what is the general approach to converting the classes to Delphi?

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Nick Hodges Avatar asked Jul 09 '14 15:07

Nick Hodges

People also ask

Do you put classes in header files?

Traditionally, the class definition is put in a header file of the same name as the class, and the member functions defined outside of the class are put in a . cpp file of the same name as the class.

What are the two ways of representing header files in C program?

There are of 2 types of header file: Pre-existing header files: Files which are already available in C/C++ compiler we just need to import them. User-defined header files: These files are defined by the user and can be imported using “#include”.

Which header file must be used in C program?

You have to stdio. h header file in each and every C program code. The <stdio. h> header file is used for standard input and output operations such as reading data from the user using scanf() function and printing output on the screen using printf() function.

Are header files compiled in C?

c' files call the pre-assembly of include files "compiling header files". However, it is an optimization technique that is not necessary for actual C development.

2 Answers

C++ classes, just like Delphi classes, are not designed for binary interop.

A Delphi class can only be exported for consumption by other Delphi code, and then only in a package, and only when runtime packages are in use, and only when all modules use the same version of Delphi. In a similar vein, C++ classes can only be imported from a DLL by code compiled with the same tool chain that compiled the DLL.

So, it is not possible for your Delphi code to consume this DLL. As I see it you have the following options:

  1. Persuade the supplier of the DLL to provide an interop friendly interface to the library. For instance, a plain functional C style interface, or a COM interface.
  2. Write an adapter in C++, using the same compiler that was used to build the DLL. That would involve you importing the classes into your wrapper and exposing them to your Delphi code in an interop friendly manner. Again, plain C style interface or COM are the obvious choices.
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David Heffernan Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 13:11

David Heffernan

In the sense of allowing you to use the DLL from Delphi code? Yeah, good luck with that. You know how you can't use Delphi classes in a DLL unless the client code is written in the same version of Delphi and even then it's usually a bad idea due to shared memory management gotchas? C++ poses exactly the same problem, only exponentially worse because there's no standardized ABI and there's all sorts of C++-language screwed-uppedness making problems for you.

The only real way to make it work reliably is with an interface that uses a standard ABI. If you have the source, try making a C interface that wraps the C++ interface. If not, ask the person who wrote the DLL to provide a C interface, and ask whoever made the decision to use this DLL why you're using a 3rd party library with no source available. :P

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Mason Wheeler Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 12:11

Mason Wheeler