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calling member functions from within another member function of the same class in C++, objective C

Consider the following:

class A{

    //data members

    void foo()
        bar();//is this possible? or should you say this->bar() note that bar is not static
    void bar()

}//end of class A

How do you call member functions from within another? And how does static functions affect the use of 'this'. Should functions be called on an object?

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Namratha Avatar asked Feb 08 '11 06:02


1 Answers

Nawaz is correct: 'this' is implicit. The one exception is if foo were a static function, because in static functions there is no 'this'. In that case, you can't use bar() unless bar() is also a static function, and you can't use this->bar() at all.

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Ens Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 15:09
