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Sort Order in STL map and set




How are the user defined objects sorted in map and set? As far as I know, map/set are Sorted Associative Containers: the elements being inserted are sorted based on the key that it holds.

But map and set internally use operator > to sort their elements.

From the SGI site, I have the following examples:

struct ltstr
    bool operator()(const char* s1, const char* s2) const
        return strcmp(s1, s2) < 0;

int main()
    map<const char*, int, ltstr> months;

    months["january"] = 31;
    months["february"] = 28;
    months["march"] = 31;
    months["april"] = 30;
    months["may"] = 31;
    months["june"] = 30;
    months["july"] = 31;
    months["august"] = 31;
    months["september"] = 30;
    months["october"] = 31;
    months["november"] = 30;
    months["december"] = 31;

    cout << "june -> " << months["june"] << endl;

    map<const char*, int, ltstr>::iterator cur  = months.find("june");
    map<const char*, int, ltstr>::iterator prev = cur;
    map<const char*, int, ltstr>::iterator next = cur;


    cout << "Previous (in alphabetical order) is " << (*prev).first << endl;
    cout << "Next (in alphabetical order) is " << (*next).first << endl;

In the above example, how are the values sorted?

Edit: Code moved from comment:

typedef map <string, int> Mint ;

int main() 
    string Name ;
    int Marks;
    Mint Grade;
    for (int i = 0; i<4; i++) 
        cin>> Name ; 
        cin >> Marks; 
        Grade [Name] = Marks ; 
    Mint :: iterator iter; 
    for( iter = Grade.begin(); iter != Grade.end(); iter++)
        cout<< (*iter).first<<“ \t ” <<(*iter).second<<“\n” ; 
    return 0; 


How would the values get sorted?

like image 976
ronan Avatar asked Jul 30 '10 09:07


1 Answers

std::map uses a functor to sort elements. By default is it std::less<Key> which uses operator<. In your sample there is an user defined functor ltstr which will help to sort elements according to its keys in alphabetical order.

like image 177
Kirill V. Lyadvinsky Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 11:10

Kirill V. Lyadvinsky