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Calling a function every 60 seconds

People also ask

How do you call a function repeatedly?

Answer: Use the JavaScript setInterval() method You can use the JavaScript setInterval() method to execute a function repeatedly after a certain time period. The setInterval() method requires two parameters first one is typically a function or an expression and the other is time delay in milliseconds.

How do you run a function every 5 seconds?

To call a JavaScript function every 5 seconds continuously, we call setInterval with the function that we want to run and the interval between runs. const interval = setInterval(() => { // ... }, 5000); clearInterval(interval); to call setInterval with the callback we want to run and 5000 millisecond period.

How do you call a function after 5 seconds?

How do I delay a function call for 5 seconds? A setTimeout is a native JavaScript function, which calls a function or executes a code snippet after a specified delay (in milliseconds). A setTimeout accepts a reference to a function as the first argument. Alert messages will pop up after 5 seconds automatically.

If you don't care if the code within the timer may take longer than your interval, use setInterval():

setInterval(function, delay)

That fires the function passed in as first parameter over and over.

A better approach is, to use setTimeout along with a self-executing anonymous function:

    // do some stuff
    setTimeout(arguments.callee, 60000);

that guarantees, that the next call is not made before your code was executed. I used arguments.callee in this example as function reference. It's a better way to give the function a name and call that within setTimeout because arguments.callee is deprecated in ecmascript 5.

use the

setInterval(function, 60000);

EDIT : (In case if you want to stop the clock after it is started)

Script section

var int=self.setInterval(function, 60000);

and HTML Code

<!-- Stop Button -->
<a href="#" onclick="window.clearInterval(int);return false;">Stop</a>

A better use of jAndy's answer to implement a polling function that polls every interval seconds, and ends after timeout seconds.

function pollFunc(fn, timeout, interval) {
    var startTime = (new Date()).getTime();
    interval = interval || 1000;

    (function p() {
        if (((new Date).getTime() - startTime ) <= timeout)  {
            setTimeout(p, interval);

pollFunc(sendHeartBeat, 60000, 1000);


As per the comment, updating it for the ability of the passed function to stop the polling:

function pollFunc(fn, timeout, interval) {
    var startTime = (new Date()).getTime();
    interval = interval || 1000,
    canPoll = true;

    (function p() {
        canPoll = ((new Date).getTime() - startTime ) <= timeout;
        if (!fn() && canPoll)  { // ensures the function exucutes
            setTimeout(p, interval);

pollFunc(sendHeartBeat, 60000, 1000);

function sendHeartBeat(params) {
    if (receivedData) {
        // no need to execute further
        return true; // or false, change the IIFE inside condition accordingly.

In jQuery you can do like this.

function random_no(){
     var ran=Math.random();
       /// call your function here
}, 6000);  // Change Interval here to test. For eg: 5000 for 5 sec
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

<div id="random_no_container">
      Hello. Here you can see random numbers after every 6 sec


is the method you're after.