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What browsers support HTML5 WebSocket API?

People also ask

Is WebSocket supported by all browsers?

WebSocket, as an IETF standard, and with a W3C browser API, is fully supported by all modern browsers: Chrome 16 + (incl. Chrome for Android) Firefox 11 + (incl.

Which browser uses HTML5 support?

HTML5 is now compatible with all popular browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE9, and Opera) and with the introduction of DOCTYPE, it is even possible to have a few HTML features in older versions of Internet Explorer too.

Does WebSocket depend on support for HTML5?

It depends on which language you use. In Java/Java EE: Jetty 7.0 supports it (very easy to use) V 7.5 supports RFC6455 - Jetty 9.1 supports javax. websocket / JSR 356)

Which browser does not support WebSocket?

Correct Option: COpera version-76 and version-7 do not support WebSocket. Safari version-5.0.

Client side

  • Hixie-75:
  • Chrome 4.0 + 5.0
  • Safari 5.0.0
  • HyBi-00/Hixie-76:
  • Chrome 6.0 - 13.0
  • Safari 5.0.2 + 5.1
  • iOS 4.2 + iOS 5
  • Firefox 4.0 - support for WebSockets disabled. To enable it see here.
  • Opera 11 - with support disabled. To enable it see here.
  • HyBi-07+:
  • Chrome 14.0
  • Firefox 6.0 - prefixed: MozWebSocket
  • IE 9 - via downloadable Silverlight extension
  • HyBi-10:
  • Chrome 14.0 + 15.0
  • Firefox 7.0 + 8.0 + 9.0 + 10.0 - prefixed: MozWebSocket
  • IE 10 (from Windows 8 developer preview)
  • HyBi-17/RFC 6455
  • Chrome 16
  • Firefox 11
  • Opera 12.10 / Opera Mobile 12.1

Any browser with Flash can support WebSocket using the web-socket-js shim/polyfill.

See caniuse for the current status of WebSockets support in desktop and mobile browsers.

See the test reports from the WS testsuite included in Autobahn WebSockets for feature/protocol conformance tests.

Server side

It depends on which language you use.

In Java/Java EE:

  • Jetty 7.0 supports it (very easy to use) V 7.5 supports RFC6455 - Jetty 9.1 supports javax.websocket / JSR 356)
  • GlassFish 3.0 (very low level and sometimes complex), Glassfish 3.1 has new refactored Websocket Support which is more developer friendly V 3.1.2 supports RFC6455
  • Caucho Resin 4.0.2 (not yet tried) V 4.0.25 supports RFC6455
  • Tomcat 7.0.27 now supports it V 7.0.28 supports RFC6455
  • Tomcat 8.x has native support for websockets RFC6455 and is JSR 356 compliant
  • JSR 356 included in Java EE 7 will define the Java API for WebSocket, but is not yet stable and complete. See Arun GUPTA's article WebSocket and Java EE 7 - Getting Ready for JSR 356 (TOTD #181) and QCon presentation (from 00:37:36 to 00:46:53) for more information on progress. You can also look at Java websocket SDK.

Some other Java implementations:

  • Kaazing Gateway
  • jWebscoket
  • Netty
  • xLightWeb
  • Webbit
  • Atmosphere
  • Grizzly
  • Apache ActiveMQ V 5.6 supports RFC6455
  • Apache Camel V 2.10 supports RFC6455
  • JBoss HornetQ

In C#:

  • XSockets.NET
  • SuperWebSocket
  • Nugget
  • Alchemy-Websockets
  • Fleck
  • [SignalR] 34


  • Ratchet
  • phpwebsocket.
  • Extendible Web Socket Server
  • phpdaemon

In Python:

  • pywebsockets
  • websockify
  • gevent-websocket, gevent-socketio and flask-sockets based on the former
  • Autobahn
  • Tornado

In C:

  • libwebsockets

In Node.js:

  • Socket.io : Socket.io also has serverside ports for Python, Java, Google GO, Rack
  • sockjs : sockjs also has serverside ports for Python, Java, Erlang and Lua
  • WebSocket-Node - Pure JavaScript Client & Server implementation of HyBi-10.

Vert.x (also known as Node.x) : A node like polyglot implementation running on a Java 7 JVM and based on Netty with :

  • Support for Ruby(JRuby), Java, Groovy, Javascript(Rhino/Nashorn), Scala, ...
  • True threading. (unlike Node.js)
  • Understands multiple network protocols out of the box including: TCP, SSL, UDP, HTTP, HTTPS, Websockets, SockJS as fallback for WebSockets

Pusher.com is a Websocket cloud service accessible through a REST API.

DotCloud cloud platform supports Websockets, and Java (Jetty Servlet Container), NodeJS, Python, Ruby, PHP and Perl programming languages.

Openshift cloud platform supports websockets, and Java (Jboss, Spring, Tomcat & Vertx), PHP (ZendServer & CodeIgniter), Ruby (ROR), Node.js, Python (Django & Flask) plateforms.

For other language implementations, see the Wikipedia article for more information.

The RFC for Websockets : RFC6455