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How do I check if file exists in jQuery or pure JavaScript?

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How do you check if a file exists or not in JavaScript?

Description. The exists() method of the File object returns a boolean value based on the existence of the file in which it was invoked. If the file exists, the method returns true. It returns false if the file does not exist.

How do you check file is exist or not in jQuery?

Approach 1: Use ajax() method of jQuery to check if a file exists on a given URL or not. The ajax() method is used to trigger the asynchronous HTTP request. If the file exists, ajax() method will in turn call ajaxSuccess() method else it will call Error function.

With jQuery:

    error: function()
        //file not exists
    success: function()
        //file exists


Here is the code for checking 404 status, without using jQuery

function UrlExists(url)
    var http = new XMLHttpRequest();
    http.open('HEAD', url, false);
    return http.status!=404;

Small changes and it could check for status HTTP status code 200 (success), instead.

EDIT 2: Since sync XMLHttpRequest is deprecated, you can add a utility method like this to do it async:

function executeIfFileExist(src, callback) {
    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()
    xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
        if (this.readyState === this.DONE) {
    xhr.open('HEAD', src)

A similar and more up-to-date approach.

    .done(function() { 
        // exists code 
    }).fail(function() { 
        // not exists code

This works for me:

function ImageExist(url) 
   var img = new Image();
   img.src = url;
   return img.height != 0;

i used this script to add alternative image

function imgError()
alert('The image could not be loaded.');


<img src="image.gif" onerror="imgError()" />


So long as you're testing files on the same domain this should work:

function fileExists(url) {
        var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
        req.open('GET', url, false);
        return req.status==200;
    } else {
        return false;

Please note, this example is using a GET request, which besides getting the headers (all you need to check weather the file exists) gets the whole file. If the file is big enough this method can take a while to complete.

The better way to do this would be changing this line: req.open('GET', url, false); to req.open('HEAD', url, false);

I was getting a cross domain permissions issue when trying to run the answer to this question so I went with:

function UrlExists(url) {
$('<img src="'+ url +'">').load(function() {
    return true;
}).bind('error', function() {
    return false;

It seems to work great, hope this helps someone!

Here's how to do it ES7 way, if you're using Babel transpiler or Typescript 2:

async function isUrlFound(url) {
  try {
    const response = await fetch(url, {
      method: 'HEAD',
      cache: 'no-cache'

    return response.status === 200;

  } catch(error) {
    // console.log(error);
    return false;

Then inside your other async scope, you can easily check whether url exist:

const isValidUrl = await isUrlFound('http://www.example.com/somefile.ext');

console.log(isValidUrl); // true || false