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Call by name vs call by value in Scala, clarification needed



People also ask

What is the difference between call by name and call by value?

Call by-name evaluation is similar to call by-value, but it has the advantage that a function argument won't be evaluated until the corresponding value is used inside the function body. Both strategies are reduced to the final value as long as: The reduced expression consists of pure functions.

What is call by value and call by name in Scala?

In Scala when arguments pass through call-by-value function it compute the passed-in expression's or arguments value once before calling the function . But a call-by-Name function in Scala calls the expression and recompute the passed-in expression's value every time it get accessed inside the function.

Which is better call by value or call by reference?

Also in most cases you want the data to be private and that someone calling a function only be able to change if you want it. So it is better to use a call by value by default and only use call by reference if data changes are expected.

Is Scala call by reference or value?

Java and Scala both use call by value exclusively, except that the value is either a primitive or a pointer to an object. If your object contains mutable fields, then there is very little substantive difference between this and call by reference.

The example you have given only uses call-by-value, so I will give a new, simpler, example that shows the difference.

First, let's assume we have a function with a side-effect. This function prints something out and then returns an Int.

def something() = {
  println("calling something")
  1 // return value

Now we are going to define two function that accept Int arguments that are exactly the same except that one takes the argument in a call-by-value style (x: Int) and the other in a call-by-name style (x: => Int).

def callByValue(x: Int) = {
  println("x1=" + x)
  println("x2=" + x)

def callByName(x: => Int) = {
  println("x1=" + x)
  println("x2=" + x)

Now what happens when we call them with our side-effecting function?

scala> callByValue(something())
calling something

scala> callByName(something())
calling something
calling something

So you can see that in the call-by-value version, the side-effect of the passed-in function call (something()) only happened once. However, in the call-by-name version, the side-effect happened twice.

This is because call-by-value functions compute the passed-in expression's value before calling the function, thus the same value is accessed every time. Instead, call-by-name functions recompute the passed-in expression's value every time it is accessed.

Here is an example from Martin Odersky:

def test (x:Int, y: Int)= x*x

We want to examine the evaluation strategy and determine which one is faster (less steps) in these conditions:

test (2,3)

call by value: test(2,3) -> 2*2 -> 4
call by name: test(2,3) -> 2*2 -> 4
Here the result is reached with the same number of steps.

test (3+4,8)

call by value: test (7,8) -> 7*7 -> 49
call by name: (3+4) (3+4) -> 7(3+4)-> 7*7 ->49
Here call by value is faster.

test (7,2*4)

call by value: test(7,8) -> 7*7 -> 49
call by name: 7 * 7 -> 49
Here call by name is faster

test (3+4, 2*4) 

call by value: test(7,2*4) -> test(7, 8) -> 7*7 -> 49
call by name: (3+4)(3+4) -> 7(3+4) -> 7*7 -> 49
The result is reached within the same steps.

In the case of your example all the parameters will be evaluated before it's called in the function , as you're only defining them by value. If you want to define your parameters by name you should pass a code block:

def f(x: => Int, y:Int) = x

This way the parameter x will not be evaluated until it's called in the function.

This little post here explains this nicely too.

To iteratate @Ben's point in the above comments, I think it's best to think of "call-by-name" as just syntactic sugar. The parser just wraps the expressions in anonymous functions, so that they can be called at a later point, when they are used.

In effect, instead of defining

def callByName(x: => Int) = {
  println("x1=" + x)
  println("x2=" + x)

and running:

scala> callByName(something())
calling something
calling something

You could also write:

def callAlsoByName(x: () => Int) = {
  println("x1=" + x())
  println("x2=" + x())

And run it as follows for the same effect:

callAlsoByName(() => {something()})

calling something
calling something

I will try to explain by a simple use case rather than by just providing an example

Imagine you want to build a "nagger app" that will Nag you every time since time last you got nagged.

Examine the following implementations:

object main  {

    def main(args: Array[String]) {

        def onTime(time: Long) {
            while(time != time) println("Time to Nag!")
            println("no nags for you!")

        def onRealtime(time: => Long) {
            while(time != time) println("Realtime Nagging executed!")


In the above implementation the nagger will work only when passing by name the reason is that, when passing by value it will re-used and therefore the value will not be re-evaluated while when passing by name the value will be re-evaluated every time the variables is accessed

Typically, parameters to functions are by-value parameters; that is, the value of the parameter is determined before it is passed to the function. But what if we need to write a function that accepts as a parameter an expression that we don't want evaluated until it's called within our function? For this circumstance, Scala offers call-by-name parameters.

A call-by-name mechanism passes a code block to the callee and each time the callee accesses the parameter, the code block is executed and the value is calculated.

object Test {
def main(args: Array[String]) {

def time() = {
  println("Getting time in nano seconds")
def delayed( t: => Long ) = {
  println("In delayed method")
  println("Param: " + t)
 1. C:/>scalac Test.scala 
 2. scala Test
 3. In delayed method
 4. Getting time in nano seconds
 5. Param: 81303808765843
 6. Getting time in nano seconds