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Difference between case object and object



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What is difference between Case class and case object in Scala?

A case class can take arguments, so each instance of that case class can be different based on the values of it's arguments. A case object on the other hand does not take args in the constructor, so there can only be one instance of it (a singleton, like a regular scala object is).

What is case _ in Scala?

case _ => does not check for the type, so it would match anything (similar to default in Java). case _ : ByteType matches only an instance of ByteType . It is the same like case x : ByteType , just without binding the casted matched object to a name x .

What is a case class?

A case class has all of the functionality of a regular class, and more. When the compiler sees the case keyword in front of a class , it generates code for you, with the following benefits: Case class constructor parameters are public val fields by default, so accessor methods are generated for each parameter.

What is the difference between Scala class and object?

Difference Between Scala Classes and Objects Definition: A class is defined with the class keyword while an object is defined using the object keyword. Also, whereas a class can take parameters, an object can't take any parameter. Instantiation: To instantiate a regular class, we use the new keyword.

Here's one difference - case objects extend the Serializable trait, so they can be serialized. Regular objects cannot by default:

scala> object A
defined module A

scala> case object B
defined module B

scala> import java.io._
import java.io._    

scala> val bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream                                            
bos: java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream =  

scala> val oos = new ObjectOutputStream(bos)                                          
oos: java.io.ObjectOutputStream = java.io.ObjectOutputStream@e7da60                   

scala> oos.writeObject(B)

scala> oos.writeObject(A)
java.io.NotSerializableException: A$

Case classes differ from regular classes in that they get:

  1. pattern matching support
  2. default implementations of equals and hashCode
  3. default implementations of serialization
  4. a prettier default implementation of toString, and
  5. the small amount of functionality that they get from automatically inheriting from scala.Product.

Pattern matching, equals and hashCode don't matter much for singletons (unless you do something really degenerate), so you're pretty much just getting serialization, a nice toString, and some methods you probably won't ever use.

scala> object foo

defined object foo

scala> case object foocase

defined object foocase

Serialization difference:

scala> foo.asInstanceOf[Serializable]

java.lang.ClassCastException: foo$ cannot be cast to scala.Serializable
... 43 elided

scala> foocase.asInstanceOf[Serializable]

res1: Serializable = foocase

toString difference:

scala> foo

res2: foo.type = foo$@7bf0bac8

scala> foocase

res3: foocase.type = foocase

It's similar with case class and class ,we just use case object instead of case class when there isn't any fields representing additional state information.

case objects implicitly come with implementations of methods toString, equals, and hashCode, but simple objects don't. case objects can be serialized while simple objects cannot, which makes case objects very useful as messages with Akka-Remote. Adding the case keyword before object keyword makes the object serializable.