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Call a classes method using a std::string




Say I have the following class: (possibly meta-generated)

class MyClass

Assuming a few things here:

1.) I have the class name from somewhere (let's pretend)
2.) I have the names of the class methods somewhere ( std::map< std::string, std::function> ... perhaps? )

So...since I may not know the name of myMethod() until runtime, is there a way to call it using a std::string ? This is assuming that I have the names of a class functions stored somewhere.

MyClass example;

std::string funcName{ findMyMethod() };//get std::string name of myMethod


I know C++ is generally not suited for introspection-like situations, but I'd like to figure this out.


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davepmiller Avatar asked Jul 10 '15 04:07


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4 Answers

You can do that if you maintain map of std::string -> member function pointers.

std::map<std::string, void (MyClass::*)()> functionMap;
functionMap["myMethod"] = &MyClass::myMethod;

and later

// Get the function name from somewhere.
std::string name = getFunctionName();

// Get the object from somewhere.
MyClass* obj = getObject();

// Check whether there is a function corresponding to the function name.
auto iter = functionMap.find(name);
if ( iter != functionMap.end() )
    auto fun = iter->second;
    // Deal with missing function.
like image 84
R Sahu Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 21:11

R Sahu

There are many ways, but using a map of member function pointers is probably among the most general for methods with the same signature.

#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

class My_class
    void method_1() { wcout << "method_1\n"; }
    void method_2() { wcout << "method_2\n"; }
    void method_3() { wcout << "method_3\n"; }

auto method_name() -> string { return "method_3"; }

auto main() -> int
    map<string, void (My_class::*)()> methods =
        { "method_1", &My_class::method_1 },
        { "method_2", &My_class::method_2 },
        { "method_3", &My_class::method_3 },

    My_class example;
    (example.*methods.at( method_name() ))();

Supporting different signatures is much harder.

Then you would essentially be into DIY runtime type checking.

like image 30
Cheers and hth. - Alf Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 22:11

Cheers and hth. - Alf

There is no built-in generic way to do this in C++.

The closest you can do is use virtual functions in C++ to achieve "late binding" however in that case you need to just through a lot of hoops.


It is not as flexible as "call by name" that higher level languages like Ruby support.

In a dynamic library / module context you have a few more options using functions like dlopen but these are easier to use in C.


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Rudi Cilibrasi Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 21:11

Rudi Cilibrasi

There is COM IDispatch interface, that implements exact the same functionality, so you could create you own analog of this interface and use it with your class.

interface IMyDispatch
   virtual bool Invoke(const std::string, void*) = 0;
   virtual ~IMyDispatch() {};


class CSomeClass : public IMyDispatch
  void DoSomeCoolStuff() { /*some cool stuff here*/ };
public: //IMyDispatch
  bool Invoke(const std::string szName, void* pData)
     if(szName == "DoSomeCoolStuff") //or methods map from the other ansvers


int main()
  CSomeClass *pCl;
  IMyDispatch* pDisp = dynamic_cast<IMyDispatch*>(pCl);
    pDisp->Invoke("DoSomeCoolStuff", nullptr);
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Ari0nhh Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 23:11
