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C2070 - illegal sizeof operand

The following code looks fine to me:

    #include <stdio.h>

    template <typename T>
    struct A
        static float m_kA[];

    template <typename T>
    float A<T>::m_kA[] = {1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f};

    int main()
            sizeof(A<unsigned int>::m_kA) /
            sizeof(A<unsigned int>::m_kA[0]));
        return 0;

But when i compile with VC9 i get the following error

error C2070: 'float []': illegal sizeof operand

I would expect this code to compile. Am i missing something? Does anyone know a way to fix this strange behavior (note that the exact same thing without the template compiles fine and outputs 3).

Note that removing the template is not an option, i made this example to reproduce a problem that i'm having in a code where i need the type containing the array to be a template.


like image 371
valerio Avatar asked Sep 18 '12 21:09


2 Answers

It's well defined. Do note that in the class definition, m_kA is declared with type float[], which is an incomplete type and cannot be used in tandem with sizeof. In the definition of m_kA, it is redeclared to have type float[3], after which it is okay to use sizeof. (8.3.4 governs the meaning of array declarations.)

From 3.4.6 Using-directives and namespace aliases [basic.lookup.udir]:

10 After all adjustments of types (during which typedefs (7.1.3) are replaced by their definitions), the types specified by all declarations referring to a given variable or function shall be identical, except that declarations for an array object can specify array types that differ by the presence or absence of a major array bound (8.3.4). A violation of this rule on type identity does not require a diagnostic.

From 3.9.2 Compound types [basic.compound]:

6 [...] The declared type of an array object might be an array of unknown size and therefore be incomplete at one point in a translation unit and complete later on; the array types at those two points (“array of unknown bound of T” and “array of N T”) are different types. [...]

A workaround for your compiler issues would be to declare m_kA with a complete type outright. Another static member holding the size could be helpful, too.

[ I'm quoting from C++11 but to the best of my knowledge C++03 followed the same rules. ]

like image 193
Luc Danton Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 14:10

Luc Danton


it compiles fine with G++.

As far as i can see it can be related to this bug:


like image 24
CyberGuy Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 15:10
