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Fast, Simple CSV Parsing in C++

I am trying to parse a simple CSV file, with data in a format such as:


So, a very simple and fixed format file. I am storing each column of this data into a STL vector. As such I've tried to stay the C++ way using the standard library, and my implementation within a loop looks something like:

string field;
stringstream ssline(line);

getline( ssline, field, ',' );
stringstream fs1(field);
fs1 >> cent_x.at(n);

getline( ssline, field, ',' );
stringstream fs2(field);
fs2 >> cent_y.at(n);

getline( ssline, field, ',' );
stringstream fs3(field);
fs3 >> cent_z.at(n);

getline( ssline, field, ',' );
stringstream fs4(field);
fs4 >> u.at(n);

getline( ssline, field, ',' );
stringstream fs5(field);
fs5 >> v.at(n);

getline( ssline, field, ',' );
stringstream fs6(field);
fs6 >> w.at(n);

The problem is, this is extremely slow (there are over 1 million rows per data file), and seems to me to be a bit inelegant. Is there a faster approach using the standard library, or should I just use stdio functions? It seems to me this entire code block would reduce to a single fscanf call.

Thanks in advance!

like image 830
Kyle Lynch Avatar asked May 30 '12 10:05

Kyle Lynch

2 Answers

Using 7 string streams when you can do it with just one sure doesn't help wrt. performance. Try this instead:

string line;
getline(file, line);

istringstream ss(line);  // note we use istringstream, we don't need the o part of stringstream

char c1, c2, c3, c4, c5;  // to eat the commas

ss >> cent_x.at(n) >> c1 >>
      cent_y.at(n) >> c2 >>
      cent_z.at(n) >> c3 >>
      u.at(n) >> c4 >>
      v.at(n) >> c5 >>

If you know the number of lines in the file, you can resize the vectors prior to reading and then use operator[] instead of at(). This way you avoid bounds checking and thus gain a little performance.

like image 167
jrok Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 18:09


I believe the major bottleneck (put aside the getline()-based non-buffered I/O) is the string parsing. Since you have the "," symbol as a delimiter, you may perform a linear scan over the string and replace all "," by "\0" (the end-of-string marker, zero-terminator).

Something like this:

// tmp array for the line part values
double parts[MAX_PARTS];

while(getline(file, line))
    size_t len = line.length();
    size_t j;

    if(line.empty()) { continue; }

    const char* last_start = &line[0];
    int num_parts = 0;

    while(j < len)
        if(line[j] == ',')
           line[j] = '\0';

           if(num_parts == MAX_PARTS) { break; }

           parts[num_parts] = atof(last_start);
           last_start = &line[j];

    /// do whatever you need with the parts[] array
like image 31
Viktor Latypov Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 18:09

Viktor Latypov