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c # using linq to group by multiple columns in a datatable

I have three columns in a datatable: string, DateTime, and decimal. I want to group by the string and decimal column, and for the rows grouped I want to sum the decimal values. I know how to do the sum part, but how do you group two different columns in a datatable?

This is my code so far which doesn't work properly:

var newSort = from row in objectTable.AsEnumerable()
              group row by new {ID = row.Field<string>("resource_name"), time1 = row.Field<DateTime>("day_date")} into grp
              orderby grp.Key
              select new
                 resource_name1 = grp.Key.ID,
                 day_date1 = grp.Key.time1,
                 Sum = grp.Sum(r => r.Field<Decimal>("actual_hrs"))
like image 504
Sam Avatar asked Jul 01 '11 17:07


2 Answers

I don't think you're giving us the full story. Other than orderby not working with anonymous types (the code you gave wouldn't have compiled), your query should work the way you want. I just put this in LINQPad:

var objectTable = new DataTable();
objectTable.Rows.Add(1, DateTime.Today, 1);
objectTable.Rows.Add(2, DateTime.Today, 2);

var newSort = from row in objectTable.AsEnumerable()
            group row by new {ID = row.Field<string>("resource_name"), time1 = row.Field<DateTime>("day_date")} into grp
            select new
                    resource_name1 = grp.Key.ID,
                    day_date1 = grp.Key.time1,
                    Sum = grp.Sum(r => r.Field<Decimal>("actual_hrs"))

... and I got these results:

resource_name1 | day_date1            | Sum
1              | 7/1/2011 12:00:00 AM | 1 
2              | 7/1/2011 12:00:00 AM | 2 
like image 98
StriplingWarrior Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 04:10


use this code

var newSort = from row in objectTable.AsEnumerable()
          group row by new {ID = row.Field<string>("resource_name"), time1 =    row.Field<DateTime>("day_date")} into grp
          orderby grp.Key
          select new
             resource_name1 = grp.Key.ID,
             day_date1 = grp.Key.time1,
             Sum = grp.Sum(r => Convert.ToDecimal(r.ItemArray[2]))
like image 29
ar.gorgin Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 05:10
