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Type Casting and the Factory pattern

I'm having a hard time figuring out how to implement a factory pattern in a DTO mapper I'm trying to create. I'm pretty sure I need to rethink my design. Here is a very small example of what I'm running in to:

    public abstract class Person
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public decimal Salary { get; set; }

public class Employee : Person
    public Employee()
        this.Salary = 20000;


public class Pilot : Person
    public string PilotNumber { get; set; }

    public Pilot()
        this.Salary = 50000;

public static class PersonFactory
    public static Person CreatePerson(string typeOfPerson)
        switch (typeOfPerson)
            case "Employee":
                return new Employee();
            case "Pilot":
                return new Pilot();
                return new Employee();

and to use the factory:

Person thePilot = PersonFactory.CreatePerson("Pilot");
        ((Pilot)thePilot).PilotNumber = "123ABC";

How do I get around loading the pilot number without typecasting it to Pilot?? is this the wrong way to do this? I could put the pilot number in the Person class, but then Employee would inherit the number and that's not what I want. What can I do?



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adminJaxon Avatar asked Aug 26 '10 19:08


2 Answers

The factory pattern is best used when the objects differ in implementation, not interface. In your case the factory pattern is not too beneficial, and you are probably better off creating your objects directly (or some other pattern maybe better).

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Matt Greer Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 17:09

Matt Greer

You could add methods for specific types to your PersonFactory class, or add a generic CreatePerson<T>() method, but that would only be useful if the caller already knows what type of person it should be receiving. Maybe this is the case, or maybe not.

With this scenario, I'd expect that the code that is actually making the call to PersonFactory.CreatePerson would not know or care what kind of person is being returned. If you have some code after that point that already knows or figures out what type of person object you have, then you will simply have to cast it.

Below is a code example that illustrates what you could do on your factory and different usage scenarios, attempting to explain when you simply need to cast or when you don't.

public static class PersonFactory
    public static Person CreatePerson()
        return new Person();

    public static Employee CreateEmployee()
        return new Employee();

    public static Pilot CreatePilot()
        return new Pilot();

    public static T CreatePerson<T>()
        where T : Person
        return (T)CreatePerson(typeof(T));

    public static Person CreatePerson(Type type)
        if (type == typeof(Person))
            return CreatePerson();
        else if (type == typeof(Employee))
            return CreateEmployee();
        else if (type == typeof(Pilot))
            return CreatePilot();
            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Unrecognized type [{0}]", type.FullName), "type");

    public static Person CreatePerson(string typeOfPerson)
        switch (typeOfPerson)
            case "Employee":
                return CreateEmployee();
            case "Pilot":
                return CreatePilot();
                return CreateEmployee();

class UsageExample
    Person GetPerson()
        Pilot p;
        p = (Pilot)PersonFactory.CreatePerson("Pilot"); // this code already knows to expect a Pilot, so why not just call CreatePilot or CreatePerson<Pilot>()?
        p = PersonFactory.CreatePilot();
        p = PersonFactory.CreatePerson<Pilot>();
        return p;

    Person GetPerson(Type personType)
        Person p = PersonFactory.CreatePerson(personType);
        // this code can't know what type of person was just created, because it depends on the parameter
        return p;

    void KnowledgableCaller()
        Type personType = typeof(Pilot);

        Person p = this.GetPerson(typeof(Pilot));
        // this code knows that the Person object just returned should be of type Pilot

        Pilot pilot = (Pilot)p;
        // proceed with accessing Pilot-specific functionality

    void IgnorantCaller()
        Person p = this.GetPerson();
        // this caller doesn't know what type of Person object was just returned

        // but it can perform tests to figure it out
        Pilot pilot = p as Pilot;
        if (pilot != null)
            // proceed with accessing Pilot-specific functionality
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Dr. Wily's Apprentice Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 17:09

Dr. Wily's Apprentice