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Why .net Threadpool is used only for short time span tasks?

I've read at many places that .net Threadpool is meant for short time span tasks (may be not more than 3secs). In all these mentioning I've not found a concrete reason why it should be not be used.

Even some people said that it leads to nasty results if we use for long time tasks and also leads to deadlocks.

Can somebody explain it in plain english with technical reason why we should not use thread pool for long time span tasks?

To be specific, I would even like to give a scenario and want to to know why ThreadPool should not be used in this scenario with proper reasons behind it.

Scenario: I need to process some thousands of user's data. User's processing data is retrieved from a local database and using that information I need to connect to an API hosted on some other location and the response from API will be stored in the local database after processing it.

If someone can explain me pitfalls in this scenario if I use ThreadPool with thread limit of 20? Processing time of each user may range from 3 sec to 1 min (or more).

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JPReddy Avatar asked Sep 17 '10 07:09


People also ask

When should you not use ThreadPool?

Thread pools do not make sense when you need thread which perform entirely dissimilar and unrelated actions, which cannot be considered "jobs"; e.g., One thread for GUI event handling, another for backend processing. Thread pools also don't make sense when processing forms a pipeline.

Why do we use ThreadPool?

A thread pool helps mitigate the issue of performance by reducing the number of threads needed and managing their lifecycle. Essentially, threads are kept in the thread pool until they're needed, after which they execute the task and return the pool to be reused later.

What is a ThreadPool is it better than using several simple threads?

A thread pool is a collection of threads which are assigned to perform uniformed tasks. The advantages of using thread pool pattern is that you can define how many threads is allowed to execute simultaneously.

Why is ThreadPool needed c#?

Usually, the thread pool is required when we have number of threads are created to perform a number of tasks, in this organized in a queue. Typically, we have more tasks than threads. As soon as a thread completes its task, it will request the next task from the queue until all tasks have been completed.

1 Answers

The point of the threadpool is to avoid the situation where the time spent creating the thread is longer than the time spent using it. By reusing existing threads, we get to avoid that overhead.

The downside is that the threadpool is a shared resource: if you're using a thread, something else can't. So if you have lots of long-running tasks, you could end up with thread-pool starvation, possibly even leading to deadlock.

Don't forget that your application's code may not be the only code using the thread pool... the system code uses it a lot too.

It sounds like you might want to have your own producer/consumer queue, with a small number of threads processing it. Alternatively, if you could talk to your other service using an asynchronous API, you may find that each bit of processing on your computer would be short-lived.

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Jon Skeet Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 16:11

Jon Skeet