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C++ templates template (double template?)




I want to build a Stack class so the user will be able to choose which container he wants to use for the implementation of the Stack. For example, List/Vector.

Partial code:


#ifndef STACK_H_
#define STACK_H_

template <typename T, template<typename T> class ContainerType>
class Stack{
    ContainerType<T> container;
    Stack() : container(ContainerType<T>()){}


#endif /* STACK_H_ */


#include "stack.h"
#include <vector>

int main(){   
    Stack<int, std::vector<int> > stack;
    return 0;

Well, it doesn't compile. I get the next errors on line:

Stack<int, std::vector<int> > stack;


expected a class template, got `std::vector<int, std::allocator<int> >' test.cpp

invalid type in declaration before ';' token test.cpp

type/value mismatch at argument 2 in template parameter 
list for `template<class T, template<class T> class ContainerType> 
class Stack' test.cpp

like image 918
user550413 Avatar asked Jun 25 '11 11:06


People also ask

What are the two types of templates in C++?

There are three kinds of templates: function templates, class templates and, since C++14, variable templates. Since C++11, templates may be either variadic or non-variadic; in earlier versions of C++ they are always non-variadic.

What is a template in C programming?

A template is a simple yet very powerful tool in C++. The simple idea is to pass data type as a parameter so that we don't need to write the same code for different data types. For example, a software company may need to sort() for different data types.

What is typename C++?

" typename " is a keyword in the C++ programming language used when writing templates. It is used for specifying that a dependent name in a template definition or declaration is a type.

3 Answers

First, it would be std::vector, and nothing else, because vector resides in the std namespace and you are asking for a template template parameter, while std::vector<int> is not a template anymore. Next, a std::vector actually takes two template parameters, one for the type and the other for the allocator:

template <
    typename T,
    template<typename, typename> class ContainerType,
    typename Alloc = std::allocator<T>
class Stack{
  ContainerType<T, Alloc> container;
  // ...

// usage:
Stack<int, std::vector> s;

Now, this only enables containers with two template parameters as the underlying type, so you're better off with what the standard does: take it as a normal type:

template <typename T, typename ContainerType>
class Stack{
  ContainerType container;
  // ...

// usage:
Stack<int, std::vector<int> > s;

To ensure that the underlying type has the same T, you can do a fake "static assert", or if you have a C++0x enabled compiler, you can do an actual static assert:

#include <tr1/type_traits> // C++03 us std::tr1::is_same
//#include <type_traits> // C++0x, use std::is_same

template <typename T, typename ContainerType>
class Stack{
  typedef typename ContainerType::value_type underlying_value_type;
  typedef char ERROR_different_value_type[
               std::tr1::is_same<T, underlying_value_type>::value ? 1 : -1
  ContainerType container;
  // ...

This works because if T is different from the used container's T, it will be a typedef char ERROR_different_vale_type[-1], and an array of negative size can't possibly exist, which causes a compiler error. :) Now, with C++0x you can just static_assert that:

#include <tr1/type_traits> // C++03
//#include <type_traits> // C++0x

template <typename T, typename ContainerType>
class Stack{
  typedef typename ContainerType::value_type underlying_value_type;
  static_assert(std::tr1::is_same<T, underlying_value_type>::value,
    "Error: The type of the stack must be the same as the type of the container");
  ContainerType container;
  // ...

For convenience, you can now specify a default template argument for the common case:

template <typename T, typename ContainerType = std::vector<T>>
class Stack{
  ContainerType container;
  // ...

// usage:
Stack<int> s;

And at this point you can just use std::stack which does exactly this (though it uses std::deque as the underlying type). :)

like image 194
Xeo Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 22:10


The simplest way is not to use template template parameter, because of the issue with the arity of the containers.

Instead, simply pass the full container type, and just that. Then extract the value_type (standard STL inner typedef) to get the value.

template <typename Container>
class Stack
  typedef typename Container::value_type value_type;

  Container _container;
}; // class Stack<Container>

You can then, simply, use it as Stack< std::vector<int> > and it'll contain ints.

like image 33
Matthieu M. Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 22:10

Matthieu M.

As vector belongs to the std namespace, you have to qualify it. But other than that, as ContainerType is a template template parameter you need to pass a template and not a final type:

Stack<int, std::vector > stack;
like image 30
Christian Rau Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 00:10

Christian Rau