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C++ template meta-programming kung-fu challenge (replacing a macro function definition)


I want to implement the Composite pattern:

class Animal
    virtual void Run() = 0;
    virtual void Eat(const std::string & food) = 0;
    virtual ~Animal(){}

class Human : public Animal
    void Run(){ std::cout << "Hey Guys I'm Running!" << std::endl; }
    void Eat(const std::string & food)
        std::cout << "I am eating " << food << "; Yummy!" << std::endl;

class Horse : public Animal
    void Run(){ std::cout << "I am running real fast!" << std::endl; }
    void Eat(const std::string & food)
        std::cout << "Meah!! " << food << ", Meah!!" << std::endl;

class CompositeAnimal : public Animal
    void Run()
        for(std::vector<Animal *>::iterator i = animals.begin();
            i != animals.end(); ++i)

    // It's not DRY. yuck!
    void Eat(const std::string & food)
        for(std::vector<Animal *>::iterator i = animals.begin();
            i != animals.end(); ++i)

    void Add(Animal * animal)

    std::vector<Animal *> animals;

The Problem

You see, for my simple requirement of the composite pattern, I end up writing a lot of the same repeating code iterating over the same array.

Possible solution with macros

#define COMPOSITE_ANIMAL_DELEGATE(_methodName, _paramArgs, _callArgs)\
    void _methodName _paramArgs                                      \
    {                                                                \
        for(std::vector<Animal *>::iterator i = animals.begin();     \
            i != animals.end(); ++i)                                 \
        {                                                            \
            (*i)->_methodName _callArgs;                             \
        }                                                            \

Now I can use it like this:

class CompositeAnimal : public Animal
    // It "seems" DRY. Cool

    COMPOSITE_ANIMAL_DELEGATE(Eat, (const std::string & food), (food))

    void Add(Animal * animal)

    std::vector<Animal *> animals

The question

Is there a way to do it "cleaner" with C++ meta-programming?

The harder question

std::for_each has been suggested as a solution. I think our problem here is a specific case of the more general question, let's consider our new macro:

#define LOGGED_COMPOSITE_ANIMAL_DELEGATE(_methodName, _paramArgs, _callArgs)\
    void _methodName _paramArgs                                      \
    {                                                                \
        log << "Iterating over " << animals.size() << " animals";    \
        for(std::vector<Animal *>::iterator i = animals.begin();     \
            i != animals.end(); ++i)                                 \
        {                                                            \
            (*i)->_methodName _callArgs;                             \
        }                                                            \
        log << "Done"                                                \

Looks like this can't be replaced by for_each


Looking at GMan's excellent answer, this part of C++ is definitely non-trivial. Personally, if we just want to reduce the amount of boilerplate code, I think macros probably is the right tool for the job for this particular situation.

GMan suggested std::mem_fun and std::bind2nd to return functors. Unfortunately, this API doesn't support 3 parameters (I can't believe something like this got released into the STL).

For illustrative purpose, here're the delegate functions using boost::bind instead:

void Run()
    for_each(boost::bind(&Animal::Run, _1));

void Eat(const std::string & food)
    for_each(boost::bind(&Animal::Eat, _1, food));
like image 649
kizzx2 Avatar asked Jul 22 '10 05:07


2 Answers

I'm not sure I really see the problem, per se. Why not something like:

void Run()
    std::for_each(animals.begin(), animals.end(),

void Eat(const std::string & food)
    std::for_each(animals.begin(), animals.end(),
                    std::bind2nd(std::mem_fun(&Animal::Eat), food));

Not too bad.

If you really wanted to get rid of the (small) boilerplate code, add:

template <typename Func>
void for_each(Func func)
    std::for_each(animals.begin(), animals.end(), func);

As a private utility member, then use that:

void Run()

void Eat(const std::string & food)
    for_each(std::bind2nd(std::mem_fun(&Animal::Eat), food));

A bit more concise. No need for meta-programming.

In fact, meta-programming will ultimately fail. You're trying to generate functions, which are defined textually. Meta-programming cannot generate text, so you'll inevitably use a macro somewhere to generate text.

At the next level, you'd write the function then try to take out the boilerplate code. std::for_each does this quite well. And of course as has been demonstrated, if you find that to be too much repetition, just factor that out as well.

In response to the LoggedCompositeAnimal example in the comment, your best bet is to make something akin to:

class log_action
    // could also take the stream to output to
    log_action(const std::string& pMessage) :
        std::cout << "Ready to call " << pMessage << std::endl;

        const std::clock_t endTime = std::clock();

        std::cout << "Done calling " << pMessage << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Spent time: " << ((endTime - mTime) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC)
                    << " seconds." << std::endl;

    std::string mMessage;
    std::clock_t mTime;

Which just mostly automatically logs actions. Then:

class LoggedCompositeAnimal : public CompositeAnimal
    void Run()
        log_action log(compose_message("Run"));

    void Eat(const std::string & food)
        log_action log(compose_message("Eat"));

    const std::string compose_message(const std::string& pAction)
        return pAction + " on " +
                    lexical_cast<std::string>(animals.size()) + " animals.";

Like that. Information on lexical_cast.

like image 96
GManNickG Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09


You could make functors instead of methods:

struct Run
    void operator()(Animal * a)

struct Eat
    std::string food;
    Eat(const std::string& food) : food(food) {}

    void operator()(Animal * a)

And add CompositeAnimal::apply (#include <algorithm>):

template <typename Func>
void apply(Func& f)
    std::for_each(animals.begin(), animals.end(), f);

Then your code would work like this:

int main()
    CompositeAnimal ca;
    ca.Add(new Horse());
    ca.Add(new Human());

    Run r;

    Eat e("dinner");


> ./x
I am running real fast!
Hey Guys I'm Running!
Meah!! dinner, Meah!!
I am eating dinner; Yummy!

To keep the interface consistent, you could go one step further.

Rename struct Run to Running and struct Eat to Eating to prevent method/struct clash.

Then CompositeAnimal::Run would look like this, using the apply method and the struct Running:

void Run()
    Running r;

And similarly CompositeAnimal::Eat:

void Eat(const std::string & food)
    Eating e(food);

And you can call now:


output still the same:

I am running real fast!
Hey Guys I'm Running!
Meah!! dinner, Meah!!
I am eating dinner; Yummy!
like image 37
stefanB Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 09:09
