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C style guide tips for a <80 char line




I can't find many recommendations/style guides for C that mention how to split up lines in C so you have less then 80 characters per line.

About the only thing I can find is PEP 7, the style guide for the main Python implmentation (CPython).

Does a link exist to a comprehensive C style guide which includes recommendations for wrapping?

Or failing that, at least some good personal advive on the matter?

P.S.: What do you do with really_long_variable_names_that_go_on_forever (besides shortening)? Do you put them on the left edge or let it spill?

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Roman A. Taycher Avatar asked Jan 20 '23 14:01

Roman A. Taycher

2 Answers

Here is Linus'original article about (linux) kernel coding style. The document probably evolved since, it is part of the source distribution.

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Jens Gustedt Avatar answered Jan 30 '23 09:01

Jens Gustedt

You can have a look at the GNU Coding Standards which covers much more than coding style, but are pretty interesting nonetheless.

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Xavier T. Avatar answered Jan 30 '23 08:01

Xavier T.