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How to programmatically get the number of users logged in on a linux machine?





I was wondering if it was possible to programmatically get the number of users logged in on a Linux machine in C? I did some researching and found out about utmp.h but since not all programs use utmp logging, I did not think it would be accurate enough. Thanks in advance to anyone willing to help.

EDIT: I apologize guys for not being more specific but when I say logged in users, I am referring to any logged in via shell. Basically what you get when you run the who command with no command line arguments.

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Error1f1f Avatar asked Jan 22 '23 01:01


1 Answers

#include <utmp.h>
#include <err.h>

#define NAME_WIDTH  8

    FILE *ufp;
    int numberOfUsers = 0;
    struct utmp usr;
    ufp = file(_PATH_UTMP);
    while (fread((char *)&usr, sizeof(usr), 1, ufp) == 1) {
    if (*usr.ut_name && *usr.ut_line && *usr.ut_line != '~') {

    FILE *file(char *name)
        FILE *ufp;

        if (!(ufp = fopen(name, "r"))) {
            err(1, "%s", name);

After a couple of days playing around with utmp, I figured it out. Thanks for the help guys.

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Error1f1f Avatar answered Jan 29 '23 15:01
