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C# Nested Class Access Parent Member [duplicate]




Is it possible to access a parent member in a child class...

class MainClass {
  class A { Whatever }

  class B {
    List<A> SubSetList;

    public void AddNewItem(A NewItem) {
       Check MasterListHere ????

  List<A> MasterList;

So... my main class will have a master list. It will also have a bunch of instances of B. In each instance of B, I want to add new A's to the particular B, but only if they exist in the Master List. I toyed with making the MasterList static and it works ... until I have more than one instance of MainClass... which I will have.

I could pass a reference to MasterList to each instance of B, but I will eventually have multiple of these "MasterLists" and i don't want to have to pass lots of references if i don't have to.

like image 264
Rob Avatar asked Jul 09 '09 19:07


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2 Answers

In C# there is actually no implicit reference to the instance of the enclosing class, so you need to pass such a reference, and a typical way of doing this is through the nested class' constructor.

like image 87
Mircea Grelus Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 02:09

Mircea Grelus

You can use something like this:

class B {
    private MainClass instance;

    public B(MainClass instance)
        this.instance = instance;

    List SubSetList;

    public void AddNewItem(A NewItem) {
       Check MasterListHere ????
like image 45
Oleks Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 02:09
